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Zombieland on DVD today!!!


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Stopped and picked it up at Walmart on the way home and setting here watching it now. I saw it in theaters when it came and and knew this is one I would have on DVD.

I know this movie is not for everyone but I love it. Funny as hell.

So who else picked it up today?

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My wife and I saw it in the theater. Three times. She wasn't so sure about it the first time but was as fired up about seeing it the next two times as was I. I don't get off of work until 8pm and plan on stopping by Walmart on the way home to pick up a copy.

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Bored. Nothing worthwhile on the tube tonite. Went to Redbox. You're right. I did it.

I picked up Zombieland! Really wasn't into it. But it actually was pretty good. Sort of Ferris Bueler meets the orginal Night of the Living Dead. Bill Murrary almost stole it. But I got to say that Woody Harrelson made the movie.:blink::rock:

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Guest bubruins

I picked up a copy from Walmart tonight. This is the first movie I've purchased in 2 years or so. I saw it in theaters on the premier and was sold (I made it a point to take friends to the movie after that).

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I found it was rather slow and predictable.

who would carry a side by side shotgun are a wanted dead are alive Winchester?

And come on a yellow hummer get real.

I do have to say I have dreamed of killing someone with a banjo.

Oh ya did you see Jon Stewart on O'Reilly man did he look dead I was scared he was going to jump over and bite Bill and eat his brains. I wonder if Bill knows rule #4

Edited by SHbicycle
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