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Great hike today in the snow!

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Some friends and I decided to go hiking today. They wanted to try Rainbow falls so we headed that way. As we headed there we were stopped because the road was closed for construction so we ended up taking another trail up to Alum Cave instead. We had no idea there was going to be snow because the forecast was calling for temperatures around 58. Man were we wrong. 6-8" on the trail. It was a blast. Some hikers went all the way to Mt. LeConte where they had 48 inches of snow!




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I would love to go to LeConte this time of year. I was up ther in late April a few years ago, and there was snow on the sides of the trail (not 48" though!)

Ya it would have been a blast to go all the way to the top but it just wasn't possible without proper gear, which we didn't have. There were a few times when we were crawling up the trail on all 4's because it was so slick.

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Nice pictures. For those springtime slick spots, Yaktrax for your regular hiking boots are a good addition; a lot lighter and more versatile than a full set of crampons. Although with 48in at the top regular snowshoes might have been in order closer to the summit.

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I'll bet Rainbow Falls would be easier in the snow. That trail is so rocky the footing is tough. The wife and I did a loop around Elkmont in the snow a couple weeks ago. The snow makes the woods so quiet, it was really peaceful. After 6 miles through the snow with 40 lbs of 2 yr old on my back, I was done.

Btw... if the temps in town are forecast at 58 deg, expect 28 deg on LeConte. Here's a weather forecast for various places.... http://www.srh.noaa.gov/data/MRX/RTPMRX

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I'll bet Rainbow Falls would be easier in the snow. That trail is so rocky the footing is tough. The wife and I did a loop around Elkmont in the snow a couple weeks ago. The snow makes the woods so quiet, it was really peaceful. After 6 miles through the snow with 40 lbs of 2 yr old on my back, I was done.

Btw... if the temps in town are forecast at 58 deg, expect 28 deg on LeConte. Here's a weather forecast for various places.... http://www.srh.noaa.gov/data/MRX/RTPMRX

+1; My Wife and I did the very bottom part of Alum Cave around New Years. We turned back early because I had my 18-month-old on my back and my wife was absolutely terrified that I was going to fall on icy rocks. The funny thing about the mountains is that we were able to find a trail just a few miles away that was completely dry.

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+1; My Wife and I did the very bottom part of Alum Cave around New Years. We turned back early because I had my 18-month-old on my back and my wife was absolutely terrified that I was going to fall on icy rocks. The funny thing about the mountains is that we were able to find a trail just a few miles away that was completely dry.

It's obvious which side of the ridges you're on.... north side = cold and snowy, south side = warm(er) and muddy.

The snow was well packed on the trail so footing wasn't a problem at all. Well, unless you're the clueless college kids who spent 5 minutes trying to cross the 30' wide creek. There was a dozen people waiting when they finally got out of the way (wet feet and all). I think it took me less than 30 seconds with the boy on my back. ;)

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