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TGO for Ronald Mcdonald House

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On April 17th channel 2 will be doing their annual fundraiser for Ronald Mcdonald House Charities. I think it would be good if our group would make a donation to them. I have personally used Ronald Mcdonald House and really think that what they do is very important to the families that need their services. If there is any interest in this shoot me a pm and we can work out the details.

20th Annual Calls For Kids Telecast | Events | Ronald McDonald House Charities of Nashville

I will start with a $50 donation.

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Are you doing it in the name of TGO or individually? I wonder what their stance would be in accepting funds from a gun rights organization?

I want to do it as a group. If a gun rights organization is willing to give I really don't think they would turn it down. It may give TGO some good press especially if we do this:

As a $1,000 One-Minute Matching Sponsor, sponsorship benefits include:

• Logo listed on 435,000+ McDonald’s tray liners used in 145 McDonald’s restaurants across Middle Tennessee & Southern Kentucky during the 3 weeks prior to Telecast

• Logo included on ads to run before the Telecast

• Company name superimposed on the match clock for 1 minutes during the Telecast

• Company representative to appear live on the phone bank to answer phones and take pledges.

• Name listed among screen credits at the Telecast’s conclusion

of course we would need David's approval.

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Guest jackdm3
Are you doing it in the name of TGO or individually? I wonder what their stance would be in accepting funds from a gun rights organization?

Rock 103 has done several partnerships with Rangemaster where you shoot machine guns to benefit Ronald McDonald House officially. RMH takes it everytime.

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Also in. Let us know when and where. I have never had to use RMH and pray I never do, but I'm sure it was one less thing to worry about for those who have used it. My younger brothers wife was hospitalized in Shands Hospital, Gainesville Fl for almost a month. Even with the hospital discount his motel bill was in excess of $2000!

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I'm in. Where do we send the money?

It will all have to go to one person so one donation can be made in TGO's name. I could do it or if there are any other volunteers that's fine to. Maybe David will handle it but with his schedule it's not likely.

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Guest Bronker

I'm in as well.

I wish to donate in honor of a precious little local girl named Kelsey, whom at 10 years old, finally succumbed to a 5-year long battle with cancer this weekend. Bless her precious little soul, to the resting arms of the Father.

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Guest ArmyVeteran37214

If every member gave 10 bucks, than TGO would give more than 1k bucks. Realistically, not every member can give. I'm sure there are plenty of us that can make this work. I'm in.

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Guest jackdm3

If every member gave $10, that would be $72,480.00

If every active member from today gave $10, it'd be $10,310.00

Edited by jackdm3
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Guest ArmyVeteran37214
If every member gave $10, that would be $72,480.00

If every active member from today gave $10, it'd be $10,310.00

lol, so my math sucks! But if we could get 10k then that would be crazy.

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