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Talk to me about amateur shortwave radio

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I will say that the Yaesu FT857 or Icom 706 would be good radios, all of the HF and the more common vhf bands (2m, 70cm) are covered in all modes (FM, AM, sidebands, etc.) Another one to look at is the Yaesu FT897. Those can be run out of a backpack on batteries, or on a vehicle power source, or with a power supply, off 120v. There is "internal" batteries that can be installed and there is a specifically made for it power supply factory option. (I just used an external power supply) The 897 is bulkier so it may not be the best for in a vehicle operation but in a pinch, that won't matter.

I will caution you very strongly about buying used electronics off of ebay or any other site unseen. I prefer to see it operate in person before I buy now as I have been bit by a radio that didn't work until I spent another $200 to make it work. By then, I could have bought a new one.

There are many forms of communication possible on ham radios, voice, digital, morse code to name a few. Even can work through satelllites. Lots of different avenues to go down.

Congrats on passing your test,



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Another one to look at is the Yaesu FT897. Those can be run out of a backpack on batteries, or on a vehicle power source, or with a power supply, off 120v. There is "internal" batteries that can be installed and there is a specifically made for it power supply factory option. (I just used an external power supply) The 897 is bulkier so it may not be the best for in a vehicle operation but in a pinch, that won't matter.

I forgot about the 897. And David, since one of your primary reasons for getting into the hobby was communication during emergencies, this might be right up your alley.

I will caution you very strongly about buying used electronics off of ebay or any other site unseen.

Same goes with anything off of eBay or anywhere else sight-unseen. If you use a credit card through PayPal, you should have adequate protection in the event you get a bad deal. I've completed thousands of transactions on eBay and have been extremely lucky for the most part.

Try to only buy from folks that have been around a while and have pristine feedback. Also, I personally would want to make sure that, if the seller was an individual, he or she was a ham. The amateur radio community is much like the TGO community - by and far a great group of folks, most of whom are very trustworthy.

Edited by kb4ns
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Congrats David. What's the deal on code these days? If it's just electronics and FCC related, I'll look into a license too. Never had any desire to learn code.

The code requirements are gone for all license classes now. Like David commented, there are a couple of questions on the exams regarding CW operation, but the old days of a portion of the test requiring you to listen to a tape, write down the conversation, and then answer questions about the conversation are gone.

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Guest Boogieman
Oh, and if you thought being a gun nut was expensive...


Haha, my dad is into both guns and radios amongst other gadgets and trinkets. He's always saying how expensive everything is....

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Good job, welcome to the ranks. Look at the FT-857 it is a very good radio. My neighbor runs one. I had a FT-897 for a while, but didn't really like it. I personally prefer the Icom 706 MKIIG if I had to have an HF mobile, but all I run mobile is vhf/uhf.

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Guest ScottD
Studied a little bit on Thurs and Fri. Took the test this morning. Passed Technician with 31 out of 35. Guess I could have done better with a book or something, but this will get my feet wet.

They offered to let me take General but I didn't want to waste $15 on the test not knowing what sort of questions I might see. Turns out this was a smart move as I only scored 63% on the practice test I took cold-turkey when I got home. 74% is a passing grade, so I need to polish up on the HF specifics for Amateur radio.

Just ordered the ARRL General guide book and will see about taking the test for it next month.

WTG David. Don't know where you took the test, but you shouldn't have to pay any more than the initial fee. When I did it, I went Tech -> General all on the same $15. Sounds like someone was trying to rip ya.

I will also say, avoid the 8900. You arent going to get out of it what you put into it. Yes it's a quad bander, but its an FM only radio. There is near 0 FM traffic on 10m and 6m for long distance comms.

I run the TM-D700a in my mobile, and the FT-7800r in the shack. My HF rig is a FT-450at. If you want 10m in your mobile, pickup a old HTX-10. It will be the best $75 dollars you can spend on a 10m mobile.

And again, I'm in La Vergne, so if you want to check anything out, I'd be more than happy to show it off for ya. We can even get you on the air under my call, and you can work some HF. Just let me know.

Edited by ScottD
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Good to see some hams in the group. I've had a commercial license forever, but had way too much RF in my job to make it a hobby too. Never learned any code either.

Great hobby. I love radio. Here's one of my RF plants...


Is this a TV or radio station? How many watts?

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The code requirements are gone for all license classes now. Like David commented, there are a couple of questions on the exams regarding CW operation, but the old days of a portion of the test requiring you to listen to a tape, write down the conversation, and then answer questions about the conversation are gone.

Great! I understand CW operation well. Just never wanted to learn the code. I'll probably get a license when time permits.

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Guest uofmeet

Congrats David, I am also a ham radio operator, Extra Class and VE. And i have both the 7800r, and 7900r, and both are good radios. But of you want something to do HF with also, and is staying the the Vehicle, the 897, 857 and 706 are all good choices. I would prob go with the 706, or the 897 which have a slightly bigger display. 6m/10m FM is pretty much not used. Although, there is one 6 meter FM repeater in memphis.

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  • Administrator
I'm in La Vergne, so I'm close enough to show off some stuff for you. Just shoot me a PM.



Scott, you wouldn't happen to have a SWR meter handy would you? If so, I might like to take you up on some assistance when my gear gets here.

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Scott, you wouldn't happen to have a SWR meter handy would you? If so, I might like to take you up on some assistance when my gear gets here.

I have a couple of Bird watt meters if Scott can't help. I'm in the priest lake area, but one of my guys lives in the boro.

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Guest ScottD
Scott, you wouldn't happen to have a SWR meter handy would you? If so, I might like to take you up on some assistance when my gear gets here.

I've only got my tuner which has a built in digital SWR meter. If you think that would help out, I'd be happy to let you use it.

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"Probably"?? :D

Well, if you came by my house right now, we would have to tune an antenna with an Agilent spectrum analyzer and return loss bridge, 'cause the leftie chick hid my watt meter :D. The good stuff will work in a pinch.

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