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y-12 carry

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does anyone know if y-12 credit union is posted? i heard someone say they think it is. but i do not remember seeing a sign. Guess i will have to start checking places closer when i am out. Haven't seen any post stores around harriman or kingston.

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We discussed this in another thread about a month ago. I checked at Oak Ridge then and it was not.


I just tried searching for the thread and I can't find it. I know it was out there and I had a couple replies in it.

Edited by vontar
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We discussed this in another thread about a month ago. I checked at Oak Ridge then and it was not.


I just tried searching for the thread and I can't find it. I know it was out there and I had a couple replies in it.

was it part of the beware of regions thread? :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just open carried in Oak Ridge Y12 today, nothing was said, not even sure anyone paid attention to me. I certainly didn't point it out.

Why was I open carrying you may ask.

I was returning my Dads 22 Ruger and it is a bit big to CC and I did not have a setup to CC. I was not going to leave it in my truck. Sure I could have used the drive though, but figured heck I have to make a couple other stops along the way so I might as well get stop one out and over with.

I walked in, did my transaction and I was glad I went in, they had those really good candy bars they sometimes sell as a fund raiser for charity. I forget the name of them but they are the best chocolate, they beat any other out there IMO. I was rewarded in short for going in. I bought 2 of them. Right now I wish I had brought more.

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