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Halloween "Ghost"...


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(Mods... this is sort of Firearm related, if it is not enough please move. Thanks!)

Little something I worked on last night. My son (13) wanted to go as "Ghost" from Modern Warfare II video game for Halloween. He saved up his money and bought a Tactical Chest Rig and Mag Pouches and a few other little goodies. I found some black one hole ski masks and started to paint them. (The youngest (11) wants to go as "Soap" but also wanted a "Ghost" mask as well for Airsoft stuff.

Any hoo... here we go. (Forgive please, crappy cellphone picts my camera is dead :hiding: .)


I used a generic fabric paint from a "Jo Ann's" store. One bottle of an off white. Seemed to have a little brown in it which was perfect. I had planned on mixing a "dirty" white anyway. Then I bought a small bottle of regular white for the highlights. Stuffed one of those weird "fancy" foo-foo pillows that sits on the bed and we don't ever use to stuff it in the mask to paint.

Paint applied well, took a little getting used to though. Used Internet pictures for references. Hairdryer to help speed up drying before adding the highlights.


My son trying it on. Doesn't look half bad... if I do say so myself. Then he decided to throw on some of his "Ghost" stuff and I took a few pictures.





"Ghost" after a hard day at the office... just Tactically kick'n back and watching a little "Tactical TeeVee". LOL!! (First time I picked up a brush in a while.) :)

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Guest Halfpint

That is awesome dude! ... I'm borrowing gear from my unit and going to a party as Soap :P

Be sure to take pics when he's tactically trick-or-treating!

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That is awesome dude! ... I'm borrowing gear from my unit and going to a party as Soap :cool:

Be sure to take pics when he's tactically trick-or-treating!

Will do! Thanks guys!

I need to take some better pictures. The other mask turned out better I think.

At Church we have a Trunk or Treat after services and my son decorates the back of our SUV a shooting range for Nerf guns! LOL!

I'll try and get pictures of that as well. :)

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