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I've got this idea that I need a Smith and Wesson model 27 or 29.

Will Carry

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Nice DMark! Not NICE. FANTASTIC! I'm working on getting one of those fine Smith and Wesson Classics. When I first started shooting handguns a few years ago I only shot semi-automatics. Now my semi-autos are often left gathering in dust in my safe. I get a lot of pleasure shooting my 4 Ruger wheel guns and 1 Smith Model 36 3".

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DMark is giving some great advice here:

....To the OP - - - Look for Model 27s made before 1982. They are know as P&R guns and will be well made. You should be able to buy one for less than the cost of the new "re-introduced" Model 27s with that horrible lock-hole of the side of the frame.


The "pinned and recessed" models are the greatest of all the smiths. I would never sucumb to buying anything other than the "old" ones (...look for an 'N" or "S" beginning s/n...). Nothing is greater than these "first of the magnums".

DMark: Thanks for the info on the 4 inch 27's. I had no idea they were so rare. No wonder you cant find 'em! When we were looking for them (...long ago...) the 3 1/2, 5, and 6 1/2 inch guns were what everybody looked for.

Keep up the good work!


Edited by leroy
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Will Carry,

Here is a pic of what leroy and I are talking about in regard to "P&R." It was some extra steps that S&W once took on their firearms that the company bean-counters later said weren't needed and dropped as a cost savings in 1982.

BTW - - - The Recessed is only found on the magnums. The idea was that it supported the rim better. You can see in the pic that the base of the rim is flush with the back of the cylinder.


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Guest Sgt. Joe
Buy eet.

And the other one:)

You are talking crazy! Replace that "or" with an "and" and you'll be on track.

That's what I meant:)

You can never have too many pistols.

A very smart and obviously well educated man:)

Careful buying that first S&W revolver! It will lead to a bunch of them!

Not that there is anything wrong with that, as is shown below

Not me. ;)



Makes me jealous and I am not even a big wheel gun guy. Pic would make a darn nice desktop pic also....do you mind?

I'd like to get an SP-101 for carry.

Well then GET ONE or four;)

I hear they sell them at the gun stores and I would bet Joe at Hero Gear can hook you right up and Quick too.:D

I would sell you mine but you would not want to pay the price for the sentimental value of it. Only so many of them have serial #'s that start with 357 and mine is one of those. I think the best ever serial # would be 35738, mine isnt that but is still very cool anyway.

You WANT one go get it....And then you can start on the Smiths:D

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