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How to stop Harassing phone calls ? Police Matter ?

Guest jcramin

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Guest jcramin

OK well I wont go into the whole LONG story, BUT, my wifes mother keeps calling our cell phones and my wife wants nothing to do with her.

We live in west TN and my wifes mother lives in Floressant Missouri. My wife and I have both told her to stop calling, and she refuses.

Other than changing phone numbers AGAIN, does anyone know anything we can do ?

We do not have a land line, we only use cell phones.



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I have tried to get numbers blocked by Verizon, no can do, however, you can have the caller listen to very annoying and/or offensive songs instead of ringing when they call. I have been looking for a "song" that says ,"this number is no longer in service" and just shut the voicemail off.

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Guest TargetShooter84

I know that many of you in East TN may not have this provider but I have Tmobile, and I get charged for every incoming call, and I got really aggravated by this person that refused to quit calling me for 2 months straight, so I called them and told them the situation that I was being harrassed, they "filtered" that number aka blocked it and Ive not had any problems since then...try your provider and see....How did your mother get your new numbers since you said again???

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Guest Dusty Rhodes

I'm not sure you have it, but on my cell phone it tells me who is calling. If it's someone I don't want to talk to, I don't answer the phone.

Just a thought.

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There is a ring tone that you may be able to put on your phone that can't be heard by adults. I thought it was crazy too, until my son demonstrated it and I saw that it really works. Apparently kids use it so that teachers don't hear their cell phones when they ring during class.

I'm sure you could find more info on Google. My thought was set that up as her ring-tone, and you'll never hear the phone ring.

As an extra bonus, if you have kids, the constant ringing may drive them nuts. :censored:

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Guest Boomhower
There is a ring tone that you may be able to put on your phone that can't be heard by adults. I thought it was crazy too, until my son demonstrated it and I saw that it really works. Apparently kids use it so that teachers don't hear their cell phones when they ring during class.

That's bogus. Supposedly anyone over 40 or 50 (I can't remember exactly) could not hear it. That ring tone was passed around my work place and we tried it out on several different phones, and most every older folk there could hear it. It's just an annoying constant piercing sound. In most cases, the name of it is called "silent"

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Guest TNDixieGirl

If you have good ears, you WILL hear that ring tone. And it shoots right through your brain. Don't be fooled into thinking only kids can hear it.

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Contact the law enforcement in your area if want want something done. It is possible to have a criminal summons issued for the person making the calls. This would require you to go to court when the person you charge has a trail date. An easier route that often works is to have your local LE go by and talk to the person. This works about 60% of the time (guess on the number).

Another route is not to answer the phone or set the ring tone to silent as someone else said.

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Guest CrazyLincoln

Yeah, I had my own phone problems. Guy who had my number before me was some mexican who didn't pay his bills. I would get automated collection notices from blocked numbers at 3am, so I couldn't call the collections company and complain. Sprint did nothing. Eventually they went away. I still get calls at weird hours of the day in Spanish on occasion.

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Lincon, start answering your phone "Illegal Immigration hotline how can I help you"

the calls will stop. I found a Homeland Security/INS van at the auto auction last night..I SO wanted to buy it just to cruise down Murfressboro Road every morning for a week.

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Guest canynracer


you can subscribe her to a bunch of college, magazigne, they will spam the heck out of her, and call CONSTANTLY

Also, singles ads, Adult personals....put HER phone number in the ad... they will bug her so much, she wont have TIME to call you

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Guest Medic908
Contact the law enforcement in your area if want want something done. It is possible to have a criminal summons issued for the person making the calls. This would require you to go to court when the person you charge has a trail date. An easier route that often works is to have your local LE go by and talk to the person. This works about 60% of the time (guess on the number).

Another route is not to answer the phone or set the ring tone to silent as someone else said.

Agree with Rob. Need to decide whether you want to formally press charges for telphone harrassment or set the tone to silent. If you go the pressing charges route, make sure you have documentation (i.e. itemized bill/activity ledger) of the calls from the offending party.

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