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COD: Modern Warfare 3

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Is anyone else excited?

It's after the Russians invade America, and a lot of people want revenge. I'm a bit of a gamer (I suck at multi, but I like playing anyway wink.gif) and I've been looking into this game since early last year. A lot of people are saying it's a prequel for Ghost, but many of us know what happened in MW2, and this video and the link say otherwise:


Here's some info: http://kotaku.com/5801226/the-modern-warfare-3-files-exclusive-first-details-on-the-biggest-game-of-2011

What's your take?

The game's set to come out Nov 8th this year, by the way.

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It was November last year that Black Ops came out. I only remember because my birthday is in November and seems every year COD comes out with best birthday present a guy could wish for. I'm still not over Black Ops, so glad MW3 is not coming out too soon.

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Battlefield 3 will be better. :rock:

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I will get it but I am waiting for battlefield 3 also.

I'll have to agree with you guys. BF3 is going to rock, but it won't be coming out until around the holidays. I haven't been able to find an actual date on it. Can't wait for it, either.

ETA: well, now, some people are saying BF3 will be coming out Nov 2nd. I'd like to see what happens here.

Edited by Jon_L
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Guest no_masters

Yeh I looked around the other day thinking I was going to preorder bf3 if it was coming out soon, adter realizing it doesn't come out til nov I will wait awhile. I will probably end up preordering bf3 and mw3 at the same time.

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I only play Wolfenstine #D...I know it's old...but there's a website where you can download over 300 full 60 episode games and I don't know how many partials. Google Mr. Lowes Wolf.

I spent a lot of hours in Jr. High playing Wolf 3D. Can't forget the original Doom too.

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Guest ArmyVeteran37214
I'm ready for MW3 as long as Treyarch stays out of the game. Every game I have tried by were buggy and the graphics suck.

I disagree, Keep IW away from the CoD series. Treyarch has done a far better job of supporting BO than IW ever did with MW2 and CoD 4. Not to mention BO looks better in the graphics department.

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I just don't like the MP in Black Ops. It just seemed too... easy to snipe/easy to hide. I'm not a snipe guy so that doesn't sit well with me--but in the levels where it's hard to snipe I have fun.

And also, their first map pack kind of blew.

ETA: This is coming from a guy that likes both of the companies' games. Both had good story-lines and such.

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I disagree, Keep IW away from the CoD series. Treyarch has done a far better job of supporting BO than IW ever did with MW2 and CoD 4. Not to mention BO looks better in the graphics department.

Every cod treyarch was at the front of I haven't enjoyed. Infinity Ward gets it right every time

Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk

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Guest m14man

and of course the amazing knife instant death kills i can shoot you 5 times and you live or three with a .50 cal but stab my toe and im dead, on top of the cheaters and the people running light weight and running perk who run through claymors and live. Im tired off cod who has the fastest connection run and gun rambo crap. bring on bf3.

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Guest texas308
and of course the amazing knife instant death kills i can shoot you 5 times and you live or three with a .50 cal but stab my toe and im dead, on top of the cheaters and the people running light weight and running perk who run through claymors and live. Im tired off cod who has the fastest connection run and gun rambo crap. bring on bf3.
agreed. Can't f'in wait for bf3...
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Hasnt it been less than a year since the last CoD game? Activision is getting about as bad with CoD as EA with Madden games.

COD series is under contract with two game design companies thats why they come out with one every year almost

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I disagree, Keep IW away from the CoD series. Treyarch has done a far better job of supporting BO than IW ever did with MW2 and CoD 4. Not to mention BO looks better in the graphics department.

IW made the better games better storyline and Mulltiplayer game-play in my opinion my favorite game is cod4 ....... im excited for MW3 hope they don't add ridiculous kill-streaks that entice people to camp tho,

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