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Pressed up my first-ever .40 S&W test loads today...

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I bought a Lee Deluxe Turret Press kit recently and just now had time to press up my first 25 test loads:

Magnus Jacketed Copper 165g bullets/5.0g IMR 700x/Federal No 100 small pistol primers/once fired brass

I didn't see anywhere in the Lee Manual that says the factory crimp die affects chamber pressure or safety, but my first few reloads *may* have been a little much on the crimp. Releasing the bullet from the crimp die came with a small amount of resistance. The reloads spec to factory dimensions on the diameter and OAL on the caliper. Should I be concerned about this? Just as usual concerned about safety!

Thanks for any advice, and I will follow up with a post G&L range report.

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I use my chamber to set my crimp and overall length, length usually come to 1.125". If it falls in and out just barely on its own they are good to go. I would try a couple and look at the brass especially the primer for signs of over pressure, not a for sure sign but may show something.

Over crimp, in my opinion, will also cause accuracy problems. Does in my Glock 22.

I like Longshot powder for the 40 S&W myself, good accuracy and clean but only does med to higher level loads, not good for mild.

Do indeed let us know how it goes. :D

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Crimping will increase the pressure spike slightly, but it should not matter. If your loads are not cranked up to the max powder charge with the shortest OAL for the hottest load data you can find, the slight pressure increase from a crimp will have no serious effect. If you ARE trying to push the hottest load you possibly can down the barrel, and are new to reloading, you might want to rethink what you are doing. Otherwise, it should be fine.

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