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Any Thoughts on the Flash Mob Crime Wave?

Guest midnitelamp

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Guest Lester Weevils

A flash mob seems virtually identical to the military swarm strategy as described here?


A military swarm attack could coordinate many small units in such a way that the actual target of the attack is unaware until it is too late to defend against. Made more feasible lately by better military communications.

Similarly the ubiquity of cellphones seems to make civilian swarm strategies now much more feasible?

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1. Double, 'man trap' front doors, 10 or less customers at a time. Five or less "students" at a time. In the case of a mass theft, remotely lock the doors with the thieves locked inside, and call the cops. This would require the clerk to be in a bulletproof glass box along with the register, and armed. Raise prices to cover the security features and the loss ratio.

. . . . . . . or . . . . .

2. Close the stores at night, or completely, in neighborhoods with a propensity for such action.

. . . . . or . . . . .

I'm thinking that one clerk with a loaded pistol could bring this foolishness to a screeching halt, but we're getting too squeamish for that.

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Guest lostpass
Hispanics are lumped in with Caucasions now. I just filled out my application for my gun permit about 3 hours ago and it had in parenthesis by Caucasian in the list of races that if you are Hispanic to check Caucasian.

There's a scientific reason for that. And that reason happens to be....

Hispanics are, in fact, caucasian.

Race is pretty much a bogus identifier. That noted you'll have to go a long way to find the "difference" betwixt "caucasions" and "hispanics". By every scientific thing you can measure hispanics are white. By every historical thing you can think of hispanics are european.

They are also overwhelmingly Christian.

But, I get it, these aren't people like you so being lumped in with them is a problem.

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I don't think that under-reporting from the media is race related at all. When this first started happening it made all the major news outlets. Since then it has happened quite often apparently. It's not a shocker anymore, and therefore, no longer considered national news that will keep people tuned in. Trying to find something sinister here is no different than Jesse Jackson trying to find the "white devil" responsible for inventing crack and distributing to the poor black communities.

Smash and grab burglaries used to be big news when folks started plowing stolen vehicles into store fronts. That happens all the time now. No longer considered news.

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Guest Bassman17SC

You reckon the area around TPAC is okay? My wife and I will be attending an event there on January 19. My concern is the spillover from the OWS nitwits.

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