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Question About Machine Gun Raffle

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I understand the "Machine Gun" thread was deleted for possible legal issues, but I was wondering if someone could expand on the issue a bit further. I've tried researching about the law regarding the ownership of a fully-automatic weapon, but I'm still a bit confused.

Where there other possible legal issues, other than the fact that it would have been a "game of chance"?

If it wouldn't be too much trouble, and you actually know the laws regarding owning a fully-automaic weapon, could you please explain.

Thanks in advance.

*** I was able to find a website with a much better description of the laws in Tennessee regarding the ownership of a machine gun. From what I understand, it may be a bit more difficult than purchasing a handgun, rifle or shotgun, but it's still legal to own one.

Edited by TripleDigitRide
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Games of chance are illegal in TN unless they are not-for-profit, and have been registered as such via a lengthy and somewhat expensive registration and approval process by a registered 501©(3) which is holding an annual event at a physical location.

A violation of this may be classified as a class E felony, if the amount is $10,000 or above. Less than that and it may be classified as a misdemeanor.

Regardless of whether the item being raffled is a machine-gun or a Barbie doll collection, the only way to legally do this would be for the item(s) to be donated to the charitable organization completely, as a sponsor for their registered and approved annual event. This is how the Friends of the NRA events are allowed to operate in TN.

IANAL, but one was consulted to make sure the right thing is done with regard to TGO.

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The raffle is still going on via another site, and TGO doesn't want to be in the Tennessean's headlines, or attached to an investigation as a conspirator by condoning this endeavor.

Don't take any of this as legal advice, we are not lawyers... but we strongly suggest that anyone considering participation in any type of event involving a drawing to win a prize should consult a legal professional before doing so.

Edited by molonlabetn
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I'm really glad TGO stepped in when they did, because I was about to buy a ticket, not thinking about the whole "game of chance" issue. Not being the most knowledgeable about Class 3 weapons, I just wanted to make sure there wasn't something else I needed to keep an eye out for in the future.

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The raffle is still going on via another site, and TGO doesn't want to be in the Tennessean's headlines, or attached to an investigation as a conspirator by condoning this endeavor.

Don't take any of this as legal advice, we are not lawyers... but we strongly suggest that anyone considering participation in any type of event involving a drawing to win a prize should consult a legal professional before doing so.

Thanks that makes sense.

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MolonlabeTN has explained our position adequately on this matter. I do not wish to discuss it further as anything said beyond what has already been stated could be misconstrued as legal advice from TGO, which we clearly are not in the business of providing.

Caveat emptor.

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