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Understanding Retention Position

Guest Paul Gomez

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Guest Paul Gomez

A short video covering some details of Cout 2 of drawstroke as a retention position. I know most everyone gives some lip service to it but if you don't take certain things into account, that's all it is.

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Excellent post on what is probably the most overlooked aspect of the drawstroke. I must admit that I was guilty (ignorant is probably a more adept description) of overlooking this critically aspect for many years. That is until I attended ECQC and had position 2 and its importance not only explained to me but demonstrated in a unique environment. Furthermore each student had the chance to practice this and numerous other techniques and the importance of a solid position 2 quickly became apparent. If you have never put much thought into it or even if you have we all could benefit from Paul’s post and a closer look at position 2.

Paul, I for one am very glad you have joined here and are actively posting and look forward to your future contributions.

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Excellent videos. These videos you are posting should give us something to think about and practice at the range instead of just blowing up ammo.

So many think that just being able to pull a gun means the good guy wins. If the bad guy has better skills and equipment than you; you die.

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Guest Paul Gomez
So many think that just being able to pull a gun means the good guy wins. If the bad guy has better skills and equipment than you; you die.

And, sometimes, if the bad guy has better luck than you, you die!

The goal, to my mind, has to be doing everything I can to leverage the outcome in my favor. This means: Deselection, Deescalation, Default Unarmed Skills, Bridge & Gun skills that support the worst case, contact distance problem, Gear that supports all of the above and some sort of post contact/actions upon contact protocol to maximize the likelihood that the whole thing comes to an acceptable resolution.

Whew, that's a lot of stuff. ;)

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Guest lostpass
Excellent videos. These videos you are posting should give us something to think about and practice at the range instead of just blowing up ammo.

So many think that just being able to pull a gun means the good guy wins. If the bad guy has better skills and equipment than you; you die.

I think equipment is over rated. Most people that rob you aren't trained and haven't really practiced.

i once lost thirty bucks in a tennis match because I assumed that superior equipment would overcome inferior training. I played a guy in penny loafers and a wooden racket who had marginal skill, I thought my wide body racket would make the difference. It did not not. he beat the crap out of me.

IF everything is equal the gear will make the difference, but if everything is equal you've made some bad choices.

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And God forbid you think just having a gun makes you safe and you pull it and extend it to within reach of someone who knows something about gun disarms. Extend only as much as necessary to make the shot.

There are criminals out there who are dumber than a sack full of left handed screwdrivers. And there are criminals out there that have a "PHD" in violence. Unfortunately they don't let you know which they are in advance.

Edited by Cruel Hand Luke
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Guest Paul Gomez
And God forbid you think just having a gun makes you safe and you pull it and extend it to within reach of someone who knows something about gun disarms.

It's an even bigger issue, I think. Even if someone doesn't know anything about gun disarms, it doesn't take much to swat at a gun in the hands of someone you don't want to have one. This is one of the reasons for being comfortable shooting your gun anywhere along the horizontal plane, i.e. at appropriate extension or​ compression.

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