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TLC Show "I Cloned My Pet"

Guest Lester Weevils

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Guest Lester Weevils

Was flipping thru the idiot box and caught TLC "I Cloned My Pet"

The cloned dogs-- Their owners believed the little puppies recognized them instantly on meeting, said to the puppies, "Do you remember me?"

One of the three pet owners was a lady Sheryl Anderson, in jail waiting a 10 year sentence for gun running. Did some web searching and also discovered the lady is the grandaughter of a previous US Senator. The lady also has cancer, and was under indictment for drugs in Arkansas when she was arrested for the gun smuggling!

The lady was concerned to see the cloned pup before her sentence, fearing the new puppy might die of old age before she gets out of prison. She was very happy and acted like it was a reunion with her old deceased dog. There was a "professional dog whisperer" who read the mind of the cloned puppy and affirmed that it really was the old Blue and that the new Blue remembers everything!

CGS*:*Dog Cloning Infomercial on TV

Late Sen.'s Kin Held in Weapons Case | LexisNexis | Professional Journal archives from AllBusiness.com

This fellow claims that the Korean cloners make multiple copies in hopes one turns out OK. Many die, and if one turns out not quite the correct color then it is disposed. He claims they use surrogate mom dogs from puppy mills, and then return the mom dogs to the puppy mills so they can go to the meat market and be eaten!!! Dunno.

To clone or not to clone? | ohmidog!

It is a very strange topic.

Edited by Lester Weevils
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i watched that show. It was sad how much they were into their dogs. I felt sorry for the girlfriend of that one guy. All he talked about was his little dog and made it very clear that she will never be as important as his dog that died. I don't know which is crazier, spending 50k on a dog or thinking that the cloned dog will remember them as a couple of them were hoping.

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Guest Lester Weevils

Yeah and the girlfriend is fine! Lots better looking than the dog and apparently of agreeable temperament.

Losing a pet can cause extended sorrow and grieving, but may have messed up those folks almost beyond repair.

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TLC has become the Jerry Springer of the reality TV shows. I use to like TLC, but they have become a lineup of freak shows. Kids in Tiearas, Dance moms, etc, my daughter watches some of them, I make her turn them off. Creepy as ****.

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