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Maybe Dirty Harry was wrong....

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"..blow your head clean off..." Maybe thats not so true....

Florida Woman Survives Gunshot Right Between the Eyes

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


  • TAMPA, Fla. — Doctors say it's amazing that a 41-year-old Tampa-area woman survived after someone shot her right between the eyes while she was riding in her boyfriend's pickup truck.

Doctors think she was hit with a .44-caliber bullet that broke in two pieces, each traveling under her skin and exiting behind her ears last weekend. She was released from the hospital hours later with just stitches.

The woman says two cars started following their truck Saturday night and the occupants began yelling at them.

At a traffic light, someone in one of the cars stood up in the sunroof and started shooting back at the truck.

Part of the bullet that hit the woman exited her head, went through the back window of the truck and hit a Jeep driving behind it.

Police are still looking for the shooter.

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Guest Phantom6
Mars I am guessing that will be a closed casket funeral. I also wonder how desirable that guy will be to the 72 virgins he is expecting to meet.

Goats don't care.

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Ever visited rotten.com

Actually, I think I did some time ago. I'm not generally into this sort of stuff.

I do think it is desensitizing.I know I saw some movies before I went to Nam that helped prepare me for seeing people get shot - and VD. :)

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Guest db99wj
Actually, I think I did some time ago. I'm not generally into this sort of stuff.

I do think it is desensitizing.I know I saw some movies before I went to Nam that helped prepare me for seeing people get shot - and VD. :)


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