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what is the standard distance for target shooting

Guest Boonie

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Guest Boonie

what i need to know is how many yards do yall normally use for target practicing. i know this is a dum question but i might as well be me to ask:blush:

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Guest darkstar

I go from 3-25 yards with most of my shooting at 7 yards. If I'm not mistaken from statistical reports the "average" gun fight occurs at 7 yards or less

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Guest jackdog

For defensive purposes I would work very hard on 2yds to 10 yards. For general target practice I would say out to 25 yards. Kinda of a hard question to answer when we don't know what your working on or why. Also practice shooting from strange positions, kneeling, prone, from you back, on your side shoot from behind cover. In a real fight you never know what position you may have to shoot from. Besides it makes practice a lot more fun

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Guest gcrookston

I pretty much echo the above posts. Depends. I shoot 7 yrds when practicing self-defense. 25 yards when practicing target, and I've shot out to 100 and 200 yrds when just dinking around or betting beers to steel gongs.

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Guest Boonie

i was trying to get an idea of how far away to set up a target. because i will be trying some of the defensive shooting when i can get a chance to go up to manchester and try it out. i did not know if they hade a certain feet they shot from.

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If you're at a range that allows it, or on private property, practice drawing and firing from concealed cover. I've started doing this, and it is a real eye-opener for how long it takes to actually get a shot off.

Be sure to practice dry drawing before doing this! I ues my XD with the mag out (& be sure to not have one in the chamber) in the cocked position so I know if for some reason I do hit the triger I will know without AD.

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