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If you have some time to spare check out this guys view.

Guest ExTexan

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Guest ExTexan

Saw a commerial on TV for this link and played it in the background while working on my computer and some of his "facts" caught my attention. Now, I know nothing about this guy and I am sure he has his own motives for making this and paying for advertisements but all in all it seemed like a decent video on Americas situation.

It is kinda long but he takes the time to give reasons for his "prediction" for the coming year.



Edited by ExTexan
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I have never heard of this guy and have no reason the believe anything he says. He is not the first person to say the "sky is falling". He did use some very common tools used in making good propaganda. I say hurl......

Edited by Will Carry
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Guest ExTexan

I agree Will, I have never heard of this guy and I am sure there are 100's of people on both sides of this topic that have just as convincing "facts" .

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Guest ExTexan

I do remember hearing about some of the things he was talking about and I do think that we can not continue to print out $ to cover our debts. I think the country has a lot on our hands to fix and no solid solutions in sight.

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Same production style and voice as the ads on Gun.Broker hawking his "37 Essential items to hoard/that will disappear from grocery shelves" or some such. Unless I'm badly mistaken this is the same man.

And the intro line here "if you have 20-30 minutes" is way off, at 1 hour and 15 min, it's still running.

Not saying that there aren't valid points in each presentation, but the base is that he wants your money. And this is his pitch.

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Guest ExTexan

Same production style and voice as the ads on Gun.Broker hawking his "37 Essential items to hoard/that will disappear from grocery shelves" or some such. Unless I'm badly mistaken this is the same man.

And the intro line here "if you have 20-30 minutes" is way off, at 1 hour and 15 min, it's still running.

Not saying that there aren't valid points in each presentation, but the base is that he wants your money. And this is his pitch.

Yeah I was way off on the time limit. I was listening to it in the background and started the post, but he goes on and on for over an hour.

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Guest Lester Weevils

I listened to that spiel a few months ago. Am not doubtful of what he says, but it is rather common doom'n'gloom parroted by many sources. It is not something this one and only "prophet from out of the wilderness" thunk up all by his-self. That don't make it false. Maybe things will accidentally turn out better than expected. No telling.

I don't appreciate the marketing come-on. And am skeptical that this Stansberry guy or any other fella has sure-fire methods how his customers can avoid the worst effects of a crash. Especially skeptical that his avoidance methods would be valuable enough to pay for.

Edited by Lester Weevils
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He's been in and out of trouble with the law. Just a fancier form of scam artist. I watched one of his videos back last summer, then decided to check him out on Google. He was convicted of Fraud back in 2007 and has been in and out of trouble with the SEC. Of course, I'm sure it's all a Government conspircy to get him... yeah right!

Edited by Moped
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Here's a condensed version of Stansberry's point of view from another source:


An interesting point is where the article mentions oil being priced in dollars....the main reason that gas prices are going up right now is the Fed practicing "Quantitative Easing" which is a fancy term for prinitng worthless money to buy back treasury bonds. The currency markets are being flooded with dollars, and the increased number of dollars measured against available oil is basic division. If we lose reserve currency status, things could get messy. On the bright side, ammo will be a new form of currency.

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