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Eastside Gun Shop

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I took a ride to Nashville today to see the Eastside Gun Shop and "The RABBI". The city is doing some major work on the street and the traffic was something else.

I did not know what to expect but what I found was a smaller gun shop with character and a soft spoken, intelligent gentleman.

You have to really look to see the gun shop if you haven't been before.

We talked about firearms and numerous other topics. The Rabbi is someone who you can sit and talk with all afternoon and enjoy it greatly. I purchased a GLOCK manual and looked around the shop. The shop is interesting in that it has one person and is comfortable to be in. The Rabbi seems to like revolvers, I believe.

All together it was a nice afternoon and something I enjoyed.

If you get a chance drop by and visit the Eastside Gun Shop and "THE RABBI".:up:

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Guest BMcCoy

It is a really nice little shop, and you are right "Rabbi" is a great and knowledgeable person. He has some pretty good prices too.


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That's great and it was great meeting you DWarren. I also got to meet the infamous Jackdog. In case you were wondering what he's like, just think of the Gunny in Full Metal Jacket about 20 years later.

You know I also sell stuff there. To make money and pay bills.

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I like talking to him also. My wife wants to meet him. She thinks she wants to help the stimulate the economy with a Ruger LCP.


Will you be able to get another one? It will be sometime around when the checks start rolling out. Also, any word on the lower kit?


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Guest kwikrnu

I've been by there because I read he was the revolver man. Not a huge selection, but enough of the basic stuff, plus he can order pretty much anything you'd want.

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Guest jackdog

I really enjoyed meeting up with the rabbi and steelharp today. as for the Rabbi's description of me, No I'm just a little old man who is as gentle as a kitten, with out claws.

Not to mention timid shy and bashful.

Sorry I missed meeting up with DWarren123 today.

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