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Grandson's first shoot

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Most of you know this but a quick review anyway.

I bought my grandson a rifle this week. Today I took him out in the woods to my little range and we had a shoot.

I went over safety rules with him and made him understand that the gun is always loaded and finger off the trigger. we did this before leavin the house. I know there are 4 rules but those two and supervision are good for today. I went over 5 year old nomenclature with him. He seemed ready so we loaded up the golf cart and went on out.

He did good. Took a little bit of coaching and a lot of patience at first.

It was hard for him to understand using the peep sight. It would have been very hard for him without the bipod. (I knew there was a reason I picked it up at the gunshow last week.) But after a half dozen shots it seemed to click a little bit for him. He was bored shooting paper as I thought he would be. But I thought it important to try paper first so I could try to teach him sighting the shot. Once we moved on to re-active type targets he fell in love with it. I am guessing we shot for near four hours. I lost track of how many shots he took. Well over 150 I am sure. We would still be out there if not for mosquitos attacking. Also we got the first tick of the season. Yeck I hate them things.

Here are two pic I took. One of him sitting and lining up the shot. And the second his smiling puss after he blasted a hole in a can of creamed corn. He made me set the can back up for the pic. We also shot a couple of rubber gloves filled with flour a can of "sketti" O's, and a couple of two liter bottles filled with water. He loved the gloves and tin cans the best. The cans work good as they dance around a bit even after they have been shot a few times. :D



I am guessing he will want to try again tomorrow. If so I am going to work to try to get him holding the rifle more across his body instead of positioned as he was today. If I do that I think his left hand should reach the forestock and it will force his cheek up on the buttstock a little more and help line his eyes up to the sight. But however he wants to roll will work for me.

Edited by Mike.357
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Guest Phantom6

Man, what a happy kid. He will certainly remember that for the rest of his life. So will you. Way to go grand pa. Thanks for the pics.

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The rifle is a Savage Cub MINI Youth.

It is a little heavy for him today, hence the need for the bipod, but it ought to fit for a few years. The gun shoots great. Watch on some of the little kid models, they are not made real well. Some of them have key locks on the stock and and have a cocker that must be pulled to enable the rifle to fire.

This one operates exactly like an adult version Savage Rifle. It is also slotted to hold a rimfire scope. I prefer the peep sight. I wish my Savage had one. Once the boy gets the gist of the peeper I will get him a small scope.

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that mini T is gonna run a little bit more. I looked at the Mini T but never gave it serious consideration really.

One of the big reasons I went with Savage is that I have one of their rimfire rifles so I know the quality firsthand.

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