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Why we need Stand Your Ground

Guest profgunner

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Guest profgunner

I guess instead of defending ourselves against this type of thing we are supposed to roll over, accept a good beating, and hand over our wallets and cell phones. After all, these are only teenagers.

BullSh*t. If Maryland had SYG this type of crap would stop. Some in Florida are mumbling about repealing or modifying SYG. We must remain vigilant.

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Guest 6.8 AR

You make anything against the law and they can arrest you for not obeying that law, up unto the point

enough people have had enough of the crime the law becomes the problem. Anyone who plays that game

with their lives is a damned fool. I'm talking about the state, not the criminal, just so you know.

Stand your ground means you have the right to stand your ground and become proactive against a

criminal. It doesn't have to be codified. It's the same as the 2nd Amendment. It's unalienable. It makes no

difference whether a government tries to take that away. They can't take away something they have no

right to touch. If a state wants to play God, let them reap what they have sewn. God help them and anyone

choosing to remain in that Hell.

Stand your ground may be law, but standing your ground supercedes law, just like the 2nd does. You

have to be able to stand your in order to defend yourself.

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Guest mikedwood

A gang of 8 to 10? That's more stay away from that part of town time. And that's not about race it's about urban culture masquerading as race.

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A gang of 8 to 10? That's more stay away from that part of town time. And that's not about race it's about urban culture masquerading as race.

Not necessarily unless you wanna stay away from town all together. This crap happens in decent neighborhoods. No one wants to think about having to do it, but let a few of these punks get some comeuppance and they might change their minds.

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Not necessarily unless you wanna stay away from town all together. This crap happens in decent neighborhoods. No one wants to think about having to do it, but let a few of these punks get some comeuppance and they might change their minds.

And... you beat ME to this one. What he said.

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Here in Clarksville we have had a group of 10-14 teenagers roaming around at night and vandalizing homes (home security camera's caught them in the act). No violence but for anyone familiar with Clarksville it's the Spring Creek Estates subdivision (near exit 1). With it being only a few streets up from me it keeps you on your toes.

Edited by FIST
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I notice they had no problem flat out saying the victims were all white, but when it came to ethnicity of the criminals they said "in most cases THEY describe a group of black teens". With the noted emphasis on they.

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Guest mikedwood

Not necessarily unless you wanna stay away from town all together. This crap happens in decent neighborhoods. No one wants to think about having to do it, but let a few of these punks get some comeuppance and they might change their minds.

And... you beat ME to this one. What he said.

When the police get them they wind up in the courts "Hug a Thug" program and double triple probation.To often it happens until they kill. If they do get time they will laugh about it when they get out. Probation is just a payment system now,

The laws to stop such things are there, but the courts won't enforce them. Cameras everywhere, the police usually get them and or know who they are but... I dunno what to say after that.

But when it comes to me personally, I wouldn't want to go into an area with my wife where the odds were higher than average that I would have to take on a freaking squad size group. Then the report said there are several groups, your are talking a platoon of thugs of which more than you think have already been shot and or stabbed and there they are again. I'll just stay away, never lost anything in Maryland anyway.

Best of luck to you guys. I'll be rooting for you.

Here in Clarksville we have had a group of 10-14 teenagers roaming around at night and vandalizing homes (home security camera's caught them in the act). No violence but for anyone familiar with Clarksville it's the Spring Creek Estates subdivision (near exit 1). With it being only a few streets up from me it keeps you on your toes.

Best of luck to you and stay on your toes, who knows, if they get caught they may turn violent. If you do spot them and call 911, don't stay on the phone, Being on the phone distracts, like it apparently distracted Zimmerman I imagine that is how he apparently got doubled back on so easily (and that's only a guess).

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There was a man in Florida a few years ago that shot a criminal and used the SYG statute for his defense. He spent 2 years in jail awaiting trial. He was found not guilty, but he lost those two years. Criminals are still winning the battle.

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Guest 6.8 AR

Here in Clarksville we have had a group of 10-14 teenagers roaming around at night and vandalizing homes (home security camera's caught them in the act). No violence but for anyone familiar with Clarksville it's the Spring Creek Estates subdivision (near exit 1). With it being only a few streets up from me it keeps you on your toes.

It's been rough on your end of town since about the seventies. I used to have a lot of friends up there,

but I don't get up that way much any more. I hear from cops the gang activity is quite a mess around you,

also. Stay vigilant. I live close to downtown and it's bad here, also. Clarksville ain't what it used to be.

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I used to work in Clarksville, there was a rather rowdy bunch that used to run through the industrial park running a million miles an hour with their hair on fire. We were right up the street from bosch. I worked the night shift, it was just two of us. I used to take up shooting cans with my "tool box" gun I used to keep in my roll around, at the same time they like to come through. They quit fairly soon after. There was a lot less trash on the road and less noise too.

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mikedwood, I appreciate it, just in case I'm not home or maybe sleeping we have an 8 year old obese lab that will continue sleeping and trip them as she has a miraculous way of being in the worst spot possible. If that doesn't work we have a 120lb Mastiff that is gentle unless someone messes with the wife or the girls and if all else fails we have an attack cat and some pretty reliable firearms.

6.8, I'm just curious since you said your living downtown how often do you run into Crazy Kenny? My first meeting with him was shortly after moving to Clarksville, I was taking my family to the Customs house museum and when we got out of the truck he's standing on the other side of the street yelling at us, I call the police and they tell me "Oh, it's OK. That's just crazy Kenny. He's harmless but don't honk at him because that really sets him off." I kept the family in the truck till he had moved on and the last I saw of him that day he was arguing with the statue of the man on the bench.

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I'm going to avoid high risk areas myself, if possible.

me too.

People have asked if I carry that gun everywhere.

My normal reply is yes. Then they ask if I am expecting trouble. I reply that no I am not, if I was I'd have a rifle.

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Guest 6.8 AR

Heh, I'm not acquainted with "Crazy Kenny". I'll have to inquire. Is he a barker on the sidewalk downtown?

I grew up in Hilldale and now live on Madison south of Greenwood ave. I've lived in Clarksville almost all my

life and haven't heard of him. We have had some interesting folks. There was one I did know the family of a

guy called "Wacky Jacky" . There have been others, also. :D

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Kenny is some sort of modern Nomad I guess. I mostly see him downtown near the Black horse and surrounding area. I saw him one time around 41A by all the surplus stores and pawn shops, he tends to wear a combination of fatigues (woodland or ACU) and I have even seen him in Army PT's. Just to confirm I wasn't crazy and that the dispatcher I had talked to about him wasn't pulling my leg I asked at a random gas station off Madison about him and they knew him instantly. Once you meet him you'll never forget him.

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Guest 6.8 AR

When I was little, downtown was a great place to be in in Clarksville. I can still tell you the names of all the

stores that used to be there. There were the unique individuals like I named. It was very close knitted back

then, like things used to be. If we ever meet I'll tell you about one you'd get a kick out of, being in a military


Btw, I think I do know of this critter "Crazy Kenny". I just never knew a name to go along with him. We have our

regulars walking up and down Madison St. Most are okay folks, lots of teenagers going to and from the public

library, and the nuts do tend to stick out.

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Not necessarily unless you wanna stay away from town all together. This crap happens in decent neighborhoods. No one wants to think about having to do it, but let a few of these punks get some comeuppance and they might change their minds.

They would get Al and Jesse.

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Guest mikedwood

mikedwood, I appreciate it, just in case I'm not home or maybe sleeping we have an 8 year old obese lab that will continue sleeping and trip them as she has a miraculous way of being in the worst spot possible. If that doesn't work we have a 120lb Mastiff that is gentle unless someone messes with the wife or the girls and if all else fails we have an attack cat and some pretty reliable firearms.

Great to hear that! You have enough fur power to take care of any situation.

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