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Smyrna Appleseed 4/28 and 4/29

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I attended the Appleseed shoot that was held in March in Smyrna and recommend it highly. The instructors were excellent and the range is very nice. It''s fully covered with a concrete shooting line, etc.. Once you're at the range you will not leave it during the day. Take what you need for snacks and lunch, a lot of water is good.

Safety and range procedures are very strict but professional. That's a very good thing!

You will be on a military facility so access is controlled and all firearms are checked when you enter. It's no big deal - you just show they are not loaded.

The main thing - keep your mind open and listen to the instructors. If you think you already "know everything" about shooting you'll probably miss some important information. They teach marksmanship, not target shooting. If you listen and apply what you're told you will leave there a better shooter.

BTW - The instructors worked well with young shooters. We had two; one, a 16 year, old qualified as a marksman before the weekend was over. Beat me and the other "old" guys!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ah...just read this.

I was there in March and also the one last weekend.

Good fun and I am improving quickly.

The instructors and the facility are great there.

PM me and I can give you information and some advice on how to prepare and some links of good training info.

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