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Great Article on Zimmerman Case

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If you are a member of the Armed Citizens' Legal Defense Network, you may have already seen this. If not, I highly suggest reading it. Marty Hayes (President of the Network and seen regularly on the Outdoor Channel's Best Defense show) wrote the article in their June Journal. The link below will take you to the June edition.

To summarize the article, Marty goes through the forensic evidence that has become available in the case and tells the reader what Zimmerman's legal team is going to need to do with that evidence. Of interest to any of us who care about these things, Marty notes that there is a question regarding whether or not the investigators collected blood and/or skin samples from the concrete at the crime scene. As Marty notes, this could be a significant piece of the defense puzzle that Zimmerman (or his attorneys) should be looking into.

Marty also goes into the Florida law regarding an initial "agressor" and how Zimmerman could be barred from even getting the self-defense issue in front of the jury. At the end of every jury trial, the jurors are given "jury instructions" that tell the jurors what the law is. If the judge does not allow Zimmerman's attorneys to include a self-defense jury instruction, Zimmerman may not have a defense to this.

Interesting issues and a VERY instructive case for those who carry for self-defense.


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That is a good read. I saw this today. It helps, also.


Yes, anything Mas does is usually VERY good. Mas is a board member of the Armed Citizens' Legal Defense Network and almost everything the Network publishes dovetails with Mas's views.

If ever faced with having to prove self-defense in court, who wouldn't want Mas to be your expert witness? He's great.

Edited by midtennchip
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Guest 6.8 AR

That's the first video of him I have watched and he made some very good arguments. His statements about

the Jay Lewis(?) case left me very concerned. I hope he got some restitution from someone. That was awful.

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