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Primitive Campout pics

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For all those who attended the meet Fri. night and Saturday at my place, please feel free to post your pictures up.

Don getting dressed wearing union suit long johns and buckskins. Note that the temp. was hovering around 100-105 with high humidity.



Don teaching and showing his blanket roll




Items from the trade blanket, gifts, and purchases.

First my gift from Dave was three beautiful hides, one of which I am tanning right now.

The hides are the big white ones in my pictures.

My leather belt, holsters, the tomohawk, 'hawk cover, and 'hawk belt loop where all purchased from Mark@sea. If you have ANY leather needs, please consider mark for any purchases. His work is beyond awesome, as can be attested by all people who saw his leather work at the camp.



Items from Daves trade blanket. Big thanks to Dave for the gifts, your a brother for life now, you and Don both.

Plains moccasins, I camped in these last night


Kitchen knifes, the top smaller one is gonna be my camp butcher knife from now on.



Small smoked hide, this may be a shooting bag for my cap and ball revolvers.


If you have any pictures, please post them up, I'm interested to see what got taken during the meet,.

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Don, and Dave did do it primitive style. Everyone else used what they had. I slept on an old army sleeping bag cause I dont have a bedroll. I thought people on here wanted to encourage meets and get togethers, not run down stuff they didnt show up for? Just saying, I was always taught if you can't say nothing nice, then dont say nothing.

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Don, and Dave did do it primitive style. Everyone else used what they had. I slept on an old army sleeping bag cause I dont have a bedroll. I thought people on here wanted to encourage meets and get togethers, not run down stuff they didnt show up for? Just saying, I was always taught if you can't say nothing nice, then dont say nothing.

So...if I come next time...do I need to bring my own woman, or will one be provided for me? ;)

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I see Coleman coolers and a Galil. Primitive??


It was a primative meet. Those that didn't have primative clothing and gear, was more than welcome to come as they could....all was welcome!

Same as next time.

There was a couple hundred dollars worth of gifts handed out no matter what you had or wore! It was all about meeting and learning!!!

You should have come out...would have been nice meeting you!


Edited by wd-40
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Looks like a lot of fun. Hate I missed it...except for the long johns! Thanks for sharing.

Oh...the long johns.....another story indeed!

I think the ol'mountainman fell off'n his horse and hit his head!

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It was a primitive meet. Those that didn't have primitive clothing and gear, was more than welcome to come as they could....all was welcome!

Same as next time.

There was a couple hundred dollars worth of gifts handed out no matter what you had or wore! It was all about meeting and learning!!!

You should have come out...would have been nice meeting you!


This is spot on. Dave was overly generous, and welcomed everyone with open arms, no matter what kinda clothes you wore, guns you carried, or skills you possessed or didn't possess. He also gave away lots of gear to help others get started and get an intrest. Dave, I've been working that hide, its coming along well. I'll be making me a possibles bag, coffee bag, hard tack,pemmican, and jerky bag, and tons of other stuff out of that leather. Again Dave and Don thanks for a wonderful time, and a true learning experience.

Edit: The long johns are because he lost his marbles and somehow forgot that it was 100+ degrees and he was putting on long johns and a full set of buckskins.

Edited by Spots
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This is spot on. Dave was overly generous, and welcomed everyone with open arms, no matter what kinda clothes you wore, guns you carried, or skills you possessed or didn't possess. He also gave away lots of gear to help others get started and get an intrest. Dave, I've been working that hide, its coming along well. I'll be making me a possibles bag, coffee bag, hard tack,pemmican, and jerky bag, and tons of other stuff out of that leather. Again Dave and Don thanks for a wonderful time, and a true learning experience.

Edit: The long johns are because he lost his marbles and somehow forgot that it was 100+ degrees and he was putting on long johns and a full set of buckskins.

Maybe he was preparing to "wade" the freezing waters of the Clinch River!!! No never mind.....he lost it!!!!

No offense Timestepper......

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Boy oh boy. There's alot I could say about the union suit, but since everybody seems to think I'm just :screwy: for wearing it, I guess we'll leave it at that. :surrender:

(Just remember not to turn your back on a crazy person!) :whistle::drool::jester::biglol:

BTW Spots, ol' friend, ol' buddy, ol' pal - thanks for posting the pics of me putting it on, but leaving out the ones where I'm actually dressed. (And you should also remember the old adage, "What goes around comes around!) :ph34r: LMAO!

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Boy oh boy. There's alot I could say about the union suit, but since everybody seems to think I'm just :screwy: for wearing it, I guess we'll leave it at that. :surrender:

(Just remember not to turn your back on a crazy person!) :whistle::drool::jester::biglol:

BTW Spots, ol' friend, ol' buddy, ol' pal - thanks for posting the pics of me putting it on, but leaving out the ones where I'm actually dressed. (And you should also remember the old adage, "What goes around comes around!) :ph34r: LMAO!

Oh hell.....

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I can't find my pics of you in full skins, with war belt on. I really hope someone has some though. I'm gonna start making me some bags up soon, that way next time around I can camp real mountain man style. Also need to get some canvas for a bed roll.

Edited by Spots
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I had fun.. was really impressed and I think the kids really enjoyed it.. I think that is the the best.. if kids got something out of it.. its all worth it. .

If it had not been so stinking hot .. I was mentioning to husband to bring my horse next time. . for the kids .. I bet they would like that. We could dress him up as a indian horse and have the kids paint him with finger paint.. or whatnot.. he is game for anything... ( ex 4 h horse, so he is kids safe. .I can personally vouch for that.

And the primitive clothing made it even better..Now I have to go hunt down some elk hide for my pants :)

I really enjoyed it and if anyone on this board is going to put this down in any way.. you gonna get an earful from me..in german.

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Guest brentt

id like to do it old style but have no equipment. have no leather and cant sew. guess that makes me SOL. so for now its camping with army surplus and coleman coolers. lol. i still enjoyed going and learned alot which was my main objective. hope youll have me again and looking foreward to it.

P.S. nice undies TS

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Guest brentt

And to the guy hating on the coleman coolers, remember, it was 105 degrees and there were crazy men with long johns and leather pants. not mentioning names.

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There is nothing wrong with how you choose "do it". You can live primative any way YOU choose. Don't let anyone tell you different. If living primative means with a "cooler" instead of a "refridgerator"...so be it. Like I said at the meet; "however you choose to experience primative living, is up to you"...you are the only one YOU have to please. You're welcome in my camp anytime you choose! You're a fine young man, and it was my pleasure being able to meet and talk with you. If I can do anything to help you along, please let me know.


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Wd and "little pfries" loading the flintlock...


Some of those in attendance


Timestepper, Spots, Brent,"little pfries", pfries, Jared, Mark, George and Dave

Wendell, (sp) Spots dad, came out for a bit...


Wd talking history



Pfries, Wd, Timestepper and Spots...

This nosey hefer got after my "journey cakes" cooked on the campfire.....


Spots and Wd preparing a pot of "wild pig" stew...


George said the weatherman was calling for snow....


Well folks...will post more later...



Edited by wd-40
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Those are great pictures. I can't wait to the next one. I'll be wearing a lil more traditional clothing and have a blanket roll and stuff next time. I know you can camp primtive with a .22 rifle and a strike a light bag, but I love the fur trapper era.

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