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Video - San Diego County Sheriff Response to Homeowner Shooting: Silence

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The Department shouldn't try to downplay it like that. They need to just own up and accept this major screw up. I can understand mistakes to a certain extent, and would even understand if I was the one shot, but if they tried to downplay the extent of my wounds for the purpose of damage control, I'm gettin' a lawyer and bankrupting that department.

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Unarmed woman shot on her own property because deputy shoots without identifying his target, then she goes to the hospital and has surgery for the wound IN HER CHEST, and the SD says "with assurance" that's not true and that she was shot in the arm?

SD is gonna pay for that one.

Edited by DaddyO
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I wonder if it had anything to do with finger placement along the side of the gun like the post a few days ago talked about.

Probably not. The fact that she was shot in the torso makes clear that he was pointing the weapon at her when the trigger was squeezed. I'm going to make a few assumptions in a vacuum and guess that the shooter was either relatively new to the job, has some kind of negligent history or is not very bright.

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Probably not. The fact that she was shot in the torso makes clear that he was pointing the weapon at her when the trigger was squeezed. I'm going to make a few assumptions in a vacuum and guess that the shooter was either relatively new to the job, has some kind of negligent history or is not very bright.

SD Sheriff Deputies used to have to spend 3 years in the jails before they were allowed to go to patrol.

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SD Sheriff Deputies used to have to spend 3 years in the jails before they were allowed to go to patrol.

In that case I'm sure they'll find a history of bozo antics. I would like to believe there is an excuse for this one but there isn't an immediately reasonable explanation. At any rate, the PD should be accepting responsibility, not trying to discredit the claims of an unarmed woman that was shot on her own property. The cop should be punished based on the outcome of the investigation. The Public Information Officer should be fired and replaced with someone that isn't a moron.

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The SD is posturing so they can dismiss some of the damages as not their fault. Like the laying on the back thing. They are going to have experts say the injuries were worse because the women did not do as instructed after the shooting.

What the SD should do and say that they are 100% at fault, fire the officer then pay a reasonable amount in damages right this second. The women is going to have to pay, both financially and physically, immediately and the SD will not have to pay her for years. In the mean time the women is going to have to endure hardships because of some negligence on the officer's part.

You do what is right in the beginning and not wait until later or when you are forced to.


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You do what is right in the beginning and not wait until later or when you are forced to.


Exactly. I would be very forgiving if given the opportunity. It might sound crazy to some, but if it were me I wouldn't be looking to punish the PD in this case. Clearly it was not the intent of the officer to shoot a defenseless person. I'd let them do their investigation and would only expect reimbursement for medical and time off, if not covered by work. But, the second they go to the press and try to discredit me, it would be on. I'd get the slickest lawyer and sue them into the ground. What a bunch of bafoons. She didn't do anything wrong here. They shouldn't be giving her a hard time.

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