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Sept. 1st IDPA stages posted

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They have a good range and all the bays are deep and long enough for it and theres plenty of room to park. I've been to matches from 75 to 400 which was at the World Championship. Most are from 100 to 175 with the SO's shooting fri the monthly match has as many shooters. Theres no reason not to have a sanctioned match they could call it "The Atomic Challenge"

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Thanks for posting the video. Well done Sir.

It was a fun, albeit challenging match for me. I just couldn't seem to keep my head straight on it. Getting old is not for the fainthearted. :ugh:

I thoroughly enjoyed the match and it was great to see the good people I've met before, and meet and shoot with new (to me) folks.

Thanks to the SO's (Les was ours, unless I'm screwing up his name, if so my apologies...Great Guy) and Mike for putting on such quality matches. :up:

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As always, I had a great time guys.

Enjoyed talking and shooting with everyone in my group.

Jamie, I hope you can make it out for USPSA...I hope I can make it too.

It's a great group isn't Brother? :up:

I'm sure gonna try to make the USPSA match, and I'll try and bring Brad along as well...he just needs to buy his wife some flowers or chocolate or something shiny.

I counting on you being there Buddy...remember...chocolate/flowers/shiny... :pleased:

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