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New guy in Knoxville....

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Hello all, I live and work in Knoxville. Pretty much lived here my whole life except for a few years in Murfreesboro and Atlanta as well. I mostly shoot XD's and Sig's. I used to frequent Coal Creek for range time, however I didn't renew this year.....hoping the ventilation system might get an overhaul in the future. Also been to Gunny's a few times. It's just not real convenient from West Hills area. We have some farm land about an hour up the road where we can all go as a family and send a few rounds down range. I would consider myself a "seasoned" beginner. LoL. I have just recently introduced my 3 girls to shooting and so far I think my 8 and 11 y/o are hooked. My wife has even come out to shoot with us a couple times now, small miracle. She's even mulling over the idea of the carry permit class. Guess that ought to do for starters. Take care and have a good weekend everybody.

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Thanks, I see your in the Boro. I spent a few years there, graduated from MTSU. I enjoyed living there, I'm sure I wouldn't recognize it now.

If it's been more than five or six years, you'd probably be surprised by the growth. I've been here 12 years and really can't believe how much has changed.

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