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Hillary: ‘Loosen Regulation’ Because ‘Too Many People Still Can’t Find Jobs’

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Hillary: ‘Loosen Regulation’ Because ‘Too Many People Still Can’t Find Jobs’-In Tunisia, Egypt, Libya

Hillary: ?Loosen Regulation? Because ?Too Many People Still Can?t Find Jobs?-In Tunisia, Egypt, Libya | CNSNews.com

Yep, you heard that right.... no, not America! Libya, Tunisa, and Egypt! :facepalm:

Yes, exactly what we are begging for, that most folks center and right want, she goes and advocates for in foreign countries. But here at home, these same liberals oppress small businesses and job growth, railing against anyone (with socialist class warefare) making above average and demonizing businesses as evil profiters. :rolleyes:

She says:

“On the economic front, we are zeroing in on small and medium-sized enterprises because they are the growth engines in any economy,†Clinton said. “They create the bulk of new jobs and they spread wealth more broadly through more communities. And when people have the opportunity to unleash their talents and create something of their own, they are more invested in their communities, their countries, and their new democracies.

“So the OECD is helping emerging democracies find ways they can loosen regulations and make it easier to start or expand a small business,†she said. “Several partners are setting up funds to help small businesses gain access to loans and financing. People of the region need to see that their governments can be fair and just. So we are stepping up our efforts to return billions of dollars that were stolen or siphoned away over decades of cronyism and corruption.â€

Why can't the left speak like this on behalf of unemployed Americans? :shrug::shake:

This really pisses me the off!!!! :livid:

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For those who would have wanted her instead of BHO, it wouldn't have mattered. They are only different in appearance.

Quite possibly even worse, but that might be a stretch.

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I saw on Drudgereport today, where we're giving Egypt 450million. Essentialy to the muslim brotherhood.

45million to the freedom fighters in Syria or one of those muslim spring gifts. She was in one article and

he was in the other.

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For those who would have wanted her instead of BHO, it wouldn't have mattered. They are only different in appearance.

Quite possibly even worse, but that might be a stretch.

! Edited by CCI
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