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What's The Matter With People? Part 2B

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My wife didnt tell me the guy doing our gutters was coming this morning. So he nearly said hello to a S&W topbreak in .32S&W when he rang the bell. I had it discreetly in my pocket. But it was at hand.

a top-break? feeling retro this morning?:D

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Guest Halfpint
I'd like a dollar for everytime I've been asked why I carry around the house. I'd take TGO our for pizza and beer.
You and me both. My family used to give me grief: "You're not at the shop any more, and you're not going anywhere, you can take it off." Then the home-invasion robberies weren't just in Frayser and East Memphis any more, and they shut up quick.
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Guest darkstar

I've been trying to no avail to get my folks shooting. My Dad bought a .40 back in February and I went with him to the range and he put 100 rounds through it, then I showed him how to clean it, went over all the features, showed him how to operate it again, tested him on operation, all that good stuff. Now granted he keeps it in the nightstand, is not a carry guy and all but he keeps going on and on about not having the time to go to the range and fire a box or two once a month. My mom...don't even get me started, she refuses to learn how to operate my Dad's gun, has her own little Beretta .25 (which would be useful maybe to throw at an intruder) and has never fired the damn thing. I tested it to make sure it works but Jeeeeeez......

They are retired....what the hell else do they have but time? My sister is the same way. I got her a little Kel-Tec pf9 to keep at home and she never practices with it. I offer all the time to take 'em shooting will provide the ammo all that and they never wanna go.....

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My wife didnt tell me the guy doing our gutters was coming this morning. So he nearly said hello to a S&W topbreak in .32S&W when he rang the bell. I had it discreetly in my pocket. But it was at hand.

Everybody tells me when I'm going to company since I started carrying :D

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