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wolf .308 in lr308

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No issues with running wolf 308 ammo but I'm using a Saiga. The semi auto action would rip it out almost as soon as it's fired.

My dad tried it a few times to go cheap and got some stuck cases (on his bolt action savage). The issue was when he would fire brass cases AFTERWARDS. The brass cases would get stuck. I believe the issue is Russian ammo has this lacquer type coating on the rounds. It gets left behind after firing and when you stick a brass cased round in there and fire, the brass expands more than the steel and the lacquer essentially 'seals' it in.

It is dirty too but what do you expect with cheap Russian ammo.

It's not bad for plinking. I'd get about 4-5 inch groups at 100 yards. Edited by vujade
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it depends... I'm good with the cheap russian stuff since my AK isn't exactly a precision weapon. It's accurate enough to break clay targets easily at 50 and 100 yards but it's no bolt action rifle.

Your DPMS 308 is probably more capable of better groups but you'll only get there with good ammo. (We have a truck in the family, we feed it cheap gas and it runs. We also have a German car that will show weakness when you feed it cheap gas. My AK is a truck, yours is a BMW. But it'll only perform such with the good stuff).

Some alternatives?

i find the PPU (Prvi Partisan at $12 for 20 pretty decent. You can keep the brass and reload later). I have not tried it personally but I hear the lake city stuff is good too.

My choice would be to reload. i've got it down to about 33 cents a round and this is match grade, put them all in '1 hole at 100 yards' grade ammo. But for my AK. i still feed it the cheap russian stuff (I didn't see a big change in accuracy and the AK violent case extraction really hurts the brass)
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest stryker1911
OP, someone above mentioned the DPMS .308, that is what I shoot. I found that I can reload better working rounds than some cheap stuff, particularly Tulammo. It was dirty and cases got stuck....I'm able to reload for my 308 bolt gun and ar....otherwise, stay with Federal or Remington .308 load.
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