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P220 vs P229 in 22lr (or CZ, Beretta, Kimber)


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What is the general opinion on the Sig p220 and p229 in 22lr? Is one better than the other? Are they reliable and accurate? How do they stack up against other "higher end" 22lrs like the CZ kadet, Beretta 87, or Kimber 1911?
I would a good quality 22lr for plinking, but I am willing to spend $500-$800 to get one that will last my lifetime. My main consideration would be feeding all types of ammo and to be pretty accurate.
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Well while not on your list any of the Ruger MK or 22/45 models will feed anything, last a lifetime(or two) and be very accurate. If you haven't got one of those that's where I'd start, they may not look as cool but are one hell of a firearm. For your budget you could have two.

Also the sr22 seems to be another well made piece. I've only had one for a little under a year but so far it has fed all kinds of ammo from high powered to bulk and CB rounds though you do have to manually cycle the slide for CBs. It has also proved itself to be accurate beyond my limited abilities. It is a simple and somewhat robust design, I have no doubts I will get many years of enjoyment out of it.

The MKIII and the sr are the two pistols everyone seems to want to shoot when we have family range day.
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If you are willing to go to $800, without a doubt I would look for a nice Smith Model 41. In the $500-$600 range I like the CZ Kadet, and in the$350- $400 range, I also have the Sig 1911-22 which I have also been impressed with. I don't have an SR22, but have heard great things about them.

There are multiple guns in your range. I am not typically a fan of 22lr conversions, and I love Sigs, but that isn't the way I would personally go.

In order, I would go Smith 41 (a classic that is one of the best handguns ever made), CZ Kadet, and Sig 1911-22 since you already have a MKIII. If you find a great deal on any of them, I don't think you would go wrong.

Some others to consider may be a Browning International Medalist or the High Standard Victor or Trophy. Both excellent target pistols. Edited by Hozzie
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