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Senate Begins Debate On Second Amendment

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Daily report email from Gary Bauer -


The Senate Judiciary Committee today began hearings on legislation aimed at limiting the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding American citizens. The committee began the hearing with an emotionally powerful statement from former Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who was shot and critically injured two years ago by a madman. 

In his opening statement, Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA), the ranking Republican on the Judiciary Committee, went straight to the core of some of the left's key talking points. Here are some of his remarks: 



"The 1994 assault weapons ban did not stop Columbine.  The Justice Department found the ban ineffective. Scholars have indicated that refining or expanding such legislation will not cut gun violence. … 

"We hear that no one needs to carry larger magazines than those that hunters use to shoot deer.  But an attacking criminal, unlike a deer, shoots back. … 

"Contrary to what you may have heard, Congress has never prohibited [the Center for Disease Control] from researching gun violence.  Rather, Congress prevented federal research to 'advocate or promote gun control,' which some government researchers had been doing under the guise of taxpayer supported science. …"

Senator Grassley's point about the effectiveness of gun control legislation cannot be overstated. It was reported last night that Hadiya Pendleton, a 15 year-old honors student who had performed with her Chicago-area high school band at President Obama's inauguration, was shot and killed yesterday on her way home from school. 

If strict gun control laws worked, Chicago would be the safest place in the country. But even the New York Times admits, the city with no gun shops or firing ranges, bans on assault weapons and high capacity magazines, is "laboring to stem a flood of gun violence that contributed to more than 500 homicides last year and at least 40 killings already in 2013." 

In fact, in the last decade more Americans have been shot and killed in Chicago than in Afghanistan.



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I though it telling when Delahey's first question/statement after LaPierre spoke was that there was no law (at the moment) against "straw purchasers" and that that is how criminals are getting 40% of their guns. The "top" cop he spoke to agreed. Maybe that is why the Obama administration didn't see anything wrong with "Fast and Furious." ;)

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