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Letter to Bradley Square Mall

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This what I sent to them today:

I am writing you today to let you know that since you have posted the "gun free zone" signs I will no longer patronize your facility, I have done plenty of business in your facility over the years. I refuse to spend my money with someone who wants me to become a potential victim. I hope that you realize the only people that comply with your sign are the law abiding HCP holders here in the state of Tennessee, the criminals don't care about your signs other then to tell them that everyone in the building is ready for the picking. I am forwarding this to all your shops I buy (or used to) from and also letting all my family members know that they are on their own since if they choose to shop in your building I will not be coming to their rescue should (or more correctly, when) something bad happens. It seems more and more honest law abiding people are being discriminated against because of an irrational fear that we are going to "flip out". Just to be clear, each and every handgun permit holder in the state of Tennessee has been through all kinds of background checks, been to class to know safe handling practices and familiarized ourselves with the law. Yes it is your right to post your property as a gun free zone but it is also my right and the right of all other handgun permit holders here to take our business elsewhere. I am in Athens and drive to Cleveland just to go to your mall, I enjoyed it, and it’s always clean. It always had a friendly atmosphere. I will miss the mall but I suppose that there are other retail stores I can spend my money.

For the record, I do not carry a firearm looking for trouble, I carry in case trouble finds me and I can NOT avoid it. It is my job to protect my family and I can't do that if I am not allowed to carry my firearm into your building. I have been in your building on quite a lot of times, carried my firearm and was going there last week to do some shopping and my wife pointed out the signs at the beginning of your parking lot, meaning I can't even go on your parking lot with my firearm. Well I spent almost $1000.00 with your competitors that day, and I don't know when your signs were posted but I can say that if they have been there a while and I had noticed them I would not have spent the money I did in the shops that are in your facility.

Thank you for helping to strip the rights of law abiding people here in east Tennessee.

Gerald McLawhorn

Athens, Tn.

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never been there but I did send a email voicing my concerns. We have the same problem going on at the Jackson mall but they are not posted at the chain store entrances so I just use those.

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Gun Free Zone in Rivergate Mall north of Nashville worked out really well this weekend.

Shots fired, no one hurt but that criminal didn't abide by the signs!

Can't you read the signs??

Signs, Signs, Everywhere Signs.....don't do this, don't do that, carry a gun and get fined!

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Guest eyebedam
Kwik "Screw Loose" rnu must have gotten to them.

Even though I've never heard of the mall, I'll send them a letter as well.

I thought about Kwik bein an artard over Opry mills when I read this thread. Your letter is a good one & I will write them as well. Much better approach you are taking than the person me & trip have talked about. So has quick been permanatly banned? Or is he back with a new identity?

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Great letter,won't do any good but a great letter.

Well maybe not but I fail by default if I don't do any thing.

Thanks for all the encouragement. I am not a letter writer but this was too important to just let it slide without saying anything.

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Well I sent them my thoughts also.

Bradley Square Mall was a great place to get out to when I want to come out and spend some money on my grandchildren or to pick up a nice pair of shoes or just to window shop and have a snack at the food court on a nice Saturday evening but unfortunately I won't be able to do that anymore since I have been banned.

Banned by proxy!

If I can't carry my firearm for protection for myself and my family then I am not welcome there. Far be it from me to be able to protect myself when criminals won't heed your No Weapons policy. So you are in turn asking me to be a sitting or walking duck for whomever may come in there that has never obeyed the law and doesn't plan to start just because you posted signs all over your entrances.

Don't you get it, when a place is posted for no firearms, criminals see a neon flashing sign that says: "We are not armed in this facility so come on in and wreck your havoc because no one will be able to fight back!"

Do you honestly think it will make a difference to the people that don't carry whether you allow or disallow the legal licensed patrons to carry? Think about this, it will make a world of difference that you won't allow it to the ones that depend upon that 2nd amendment right to self protection. If our weapons are banned then we won't come there and sir there are more HCP carriers than I think you can even imagine so go ahead and hold your ban and in the end the stores in your mall will suffer. Possibly in more ways than one. The economy is struggling as is and now you are putting a nail in the mall's coffin when you tell us that we are not welcome there. So your competitors will reap the benefit of your choices. Good for them.

Just one last thought, I LEGALLY carry and I know people that LEGALLY carry that know people that LEGALLY carry and they know people that LEGALLY carry. It goes on and on and we will stick together on this because it is very important to us, matter of fact it is a case of possible life or death, so you tell me Mr Mall person, which way do you think we will lean toward?

Have a good day!

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Guest DylisTN

Now businesses are working on the idea that if they allow legal guns and a gun owner shoots someone, they will be sued.

We need a law change and a thinking change.

If someone gets killed and it could reasonably be prevented by a legal gun owner the business is liable.

And the law change: A business is held harmless if a lawful gun carrier takes any action.

Support this with a list of people who would be alive today, If some was able to take action.

And this should include the workplace. If some one is injured and they could have defended themselves, the employer should be sued, for A, prevented them from having the means to defend themself, and B, not providing and armed guard at all times to compensate for that denied right.

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Now businesses are working on the idea that if they allow legal guns and a gun owner shoots someone, they will be sued.

We need a law change and a thinking change.

If someone gets killed and it could reasonably be prevented by a legal gun owner the business is liable.

And the law change: A business is held harmless if a lawful gun carrier takes any action.

Support this with a list of people who would be alive today, If some was able to take action.

And this should include the workplace. If some one is injured and they could have defended themselves, the employer should be sued, for A, prevented them from having the means to defend themself, and B, not providing and armed guard at all times to compensate for that denied right.

Let the people say AMEN!

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Not a legal posting. if they see you there all they can do is tell you to leave (as long as this is the only posting). In that instance I would carry and not worry about it until (or unless) they say something. Or correct their signage. It's a good thing kwuck is no longer with us, he'd be jumping on the bandwagon to get it posted correctly.:woohoo:

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