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Dusty's Firearms... big hype... not delivering


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Ordered a firearm from them in Feb. I was all but promised that they got them in regularly. 3 months later.... after I was assured that I would not have to wait "months"... here I am.... patiently waiting months. They are excellent communicators. They always get back with you. The excuse now is " wholesaler does not get anything in". The problem is I am pre paid. Anybody else have any issues with them up in Bean Station? 

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I have had an order in for one particular rifle since november with no signs of it coming in at a dealer in GA. I of course did not pay for it up front. Some guns are just hard to get right now.  

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Yeah. I might do a refund. The shop was nice. I'm trying to support in state folks( $50 tax !!) even at the tax penalty. I don't know long I will keep waiting. The real problem I have is the lady was adement over and over that they " get a few of this in each week and people are crazy for saying it takes months ". I guess I will give them another week or two and move on. The market cooled off a little on the pistol I want and I see them really close to what I'm paying here with tax, shipping, etc.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok... 3 months later... I see a ton of these pistols that I ordered one of going all day long locally for what I paid them... They must have a pretty lame distributer. 2 local gun stores here can get them within a week... Dusty's can't get them in 3 months... pretty crappy business dealings. :(

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  • 4 weeks later...
I've only had one deal with them, but I knew what I was getting into up front. I wanted a hi-point 9mm carbine about 4 months ago. They were the only ones still getting shipments in and selling them at pre-craze prices. I ordered and paid, then apparently they started getting in fewer and fewer (no surprise, no one else could get them at all). But, I knew there would be a wait, and they had a running list. They would call every couple weeks or so and keep me updated, not a huge deal. If I had a choice, I would have dealt with one of my LGS's simply because I don't like doing business over the phone. All in all I feel like they're good people who may try to do too much by taking in too many orders and get over their heads.
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