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Anyone have a Droid Razr Maxx?

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I don't have one to sell but I use one every day. The best battery ever on a phone. I hardly ever have to charge it during the day, all others 2 pm at best before needing charged. Love the phone. Good luck picking one up.
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You won't regret getting one I assume you're looking for the newer model the RAZR maxx HD?
Soon Verizon will be getting the new Motorola phones in stock as several has been announced. Although I don't believe any will support SD cards. My maxx HD has not given any issues and its been the best phone to date I've owned

sent from my RAZR Maxx HD using Tapatalk 2

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I don't have one to sell but I use one every day. The best battery ever on a phone. I hardly ever have to charge it during the day, all others 2 pm at best before needing charged. Love the phone. Good luck picking one up.

My wife had the Razr maxx then went to the iphone5. She just got rid of it to go back to the Razr maxx HD. It's hard to beat. I tried to tell her.... :)
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Rooting is where it's at, my buddy did his Droid and can clock the processor, thing runs faster than the iPhone which is one of its selling points. Though overclocking the processor can cause it to involuntarily shut off, haha.

Edited by whitewolf001
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Verizon has new Motorola phones coming out in a couple weeks, the X is an upgraded RAZR basically.
I have a Samsung Note 2 right now, unlocked with a custom ROM. I still think it is the best phone available right now even though its a year old. Battery is as good as the Razr Max (7-8 hours screen on time).
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