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ORSA Nov 16 USPSA Match - Veterans Appreciation Match

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The stages are up at:    facebook.com/orsa-uspsa

for our 16 November Match.  The weather is going to be great, come on out for a fun challenging match.




We will be setting up starting about 0930 on Thursday,  any and all help greatly appreciated.

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We shoot IDPA on the first Saturday of every month, the next IDPA match is 7 December.


We shoot USPSA on the third Saturday of every month, the next USPSA match is 21 December.


Go to Facebook.com/ORSA-uspsa to get details about upcoming matches.

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You should definitely check it out.

I was there today competing for the first time and it was a blast! The stages were all different, testing your skill on all the different facets of practical pistol shooting, the atmosphere was fantastic, not uptight but with all the seriousness that the sport requires.

Special thanks to dlmeadows for introducing me to everybody and patiently answering all my questions and letting me borrow some of his equipment.

I'm definitely going back.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk

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IDPA matches pretty much dictate how a stage is to be shoot, there is zero creativity allowed; whereas in USPSA you can be creative and try to develop the best plan for you to shoot the stage.  I won't go into the goofy/subjective rules IDPA has regarding reloads and cover.

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Theres a chance of winning a IDPA major matches but not in a major USPSA unless your a DM in IDPA and then still you probably wont

"Major" IDPA matches are still pretty minor.

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