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House Republicans to impeach Holder?

Guest TankerHC

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Guest TankerHC

No, he wouldn't go to jail on a senate vote for removal. That has to be dealt with by another court. I don't think the senate has the

authority to put anyone in jail, except maybe to place someone in contempt of Congress, but I have no clue about this matter.


Bill Clinton was impeached by the House and not removed from office by the senate. The senate acts as the court to adjudicate

after the House votes to impeach. The House says to move the process forward to the senate. The senate hearing with the Chief

Justice in charge, decides whether or not to remove. Is that not right?


Maybe, after the articles of impeachment wasn't used the first time, it isn't going to go anywhere until there are enough votes in

the senate to vote to remove exist, because Reid controls the votes right now. It may not be practical, but it is the right course

of action. It should have been done repeatedly in the last several administrations. And Clinton should have been removed from

office, but he was impeached.


Inherent Contempt. The Congress can vote for Criminal Contempt and have Holder arrested. Period. And they wont do it. It was brought up and Boehner killed the idea. It has been done several times before and the Supreme Court has upheld it. The Founders gave the Congress that power.

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A senate impeachment trail of holder is likely to never happen.  Even if it did gain momentum the most it would do is cause his resignation in lue of the senate hearings.  I for one would be okay with that outcome.  personally i don't think the senate would even give it the consideration it is due, but that is because they are as dysfunctional as any other part of our government.


The impeachment process has to be public record, and i honestly don't think the administration would be willing to have holder's ineptitude officially confirmed.  It would open the door to blame many others that have covered for his short comings.

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This talk of impeachment, arrest, etc, etc sounds like another trick filled with smoke and mirrors to distract and divert our attention. From what, Bengahzi, the ACA...? Who knows.

If proceedings were ever held, it would be an utter waste of time, resources and more importantly money, especially when the POTUS can wipe it away with a swipe. Heck, the effort and brainpower used by the posters in this thread is probably more energy that this issue will ever see. Another reason why this won't see the light of day is because a lot of the Congressional members have dirt (not necessarily criminal) on their hands and the last thing they want is some type of retaliation against them or another member in the party in the future. Is that right, of course not but is it gangster political reality, absolutely!! With all the talk of how NSA is doing this, that or another thing, all it would take is an NSA "hero" /"leaker" to drop a few personal emails, voice mails, etc on someone they politically disagree with and bam, here we go again.

They should be working on a budget, period, and stop being distracted like elementary school kids who have ADHD.

From my GSIII using TPR

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Guest TankerHC

This talk of impeachment, arrest, etc, etc sounds like another trick filled with smoke and mirrors to distract and divert our attention. From what, Bengahzi, the ACA...? Who knows.

If proceedings were ever held, it would be an utter waste of time, resources and more importantly money, especially when the POTUS can wipe it away with a swipe. Heck, the effort and brainpower used by the posters in this thread is probably more energy that this issue will ever see. Another reason why this won't see the light of day is because a lot of the Congressional members have dirt (not necessarily criminal) on their hands and the last thing they want is some type of retaliation against them or another member in the party in the future. Is that right, of course not but is it gangster political reality, absolutely!! With all the talk of how NSA is doing this, that or another thing, all it would take is an NSA "hero" /"leaker" to drop a few personal emails, voice mails, etc on someone they politically disagree with and bam, here we go again.

They should be working on a budget, period, and stop being distracted like elementary school kids who have ADHD.

From my GSIII using TPR

It is. Smoke and mirrors. The problem is that it is not only Constitutional but has been used before and more than once. These are Constitutional power's given to the Congress to handle issues like Presidents and Cabinet members lying and being in contempt. Same thing as telling Congress and the American people to go f themselves. As Sebelius did when asked to step down and said she doesn't work for the people asking. You can't get Congress to do anything how can they possibly be expected to do the hard things? It might look bad and they might not get reelected. According to the rules of trial in the Senate the Senate is supposed to be completely indifferent to party and address the crime committed. Good luck with that. If you like Politics it's interesting to talk about because you end up learning thing's. Where's Joe Mccarthy when you need him?

Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk 2

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Impeach Obama and Biden is President............this is why they wont impeach Obama. 


At this point I would take Biden over Obama. Biden is an idiot. Obama is out to change the country to a socialist's dream. As far as Holder, he will leave when he wants to or Obama wants him to. If the house impeaches him, they are racist and gives the Dems. something else to bitch about. Unless the Republicans take the Senate, it goes no where.   

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