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drunk driving


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If anyone here is familiar with spring hill, a driver lost control of a nissan titan and took out a light post and all the power from 840 to thompson station. It all happened around 0330. Took the sheriffs department about 20min to get there. Not one spring hill police department came to the dispatch. The driver is fine, but after a brief talk with him, I suspect alcohol had a heavy hand. Sheriff asked me and all I saw was the transponders shorting out and exploding. The light post is hanging on only thru the sheer power of the remaining power lines. I hate to say it, but Tennessee has some pretty bad drivers. Most people kept going the same speed even with my hazards turned on. Image is a little dark, but there were pieces of the truck on the road.



Edited by RC3
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Guest Lowbuster
I pulled up on a accident a few years back. I was about the third person to stop. As I made my way to the wrecked truck I already heard sirens. As fire department asked me to move from trying to open drivers door, I realized about ten other cars had stopped. They were all using their freaking phones to video and take pics. As I was leaving, I heard the helicopter and a man says " don't you want to see the helicopter? " my reply was " your a sick bast@&d"
I'm not bragging that I stopped to help, I'm complaining about those who wanted a sick video or picture as they were behind me before rescue got there.
Oh sorry, the driver smelled of alcohol, that's what made me think of this.
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Last time I needed the police on that road, THP showed up in a few minutes. It was at the stop light at Thompson Station Church. Long response time no matter what the hour though. Not sure how they prioritize calls or who responds.
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Drove that stretch of road every afternoon for 13 years. I know the area well. It always seemed to have a very good LEO presence when I was around. But maybe that was because of me.


Seriously though, that area has always been prone to higher speed traffic than is legal. Especially for commercial drivers trying to service the area between Mach Hatcher and Saturn Parkway.

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Guest Lowbuster

I was the only one who stopped. About 15 other cars passes without slowing down. Waiting with the driver and two home owners until the pd arrived.

Usually people slow to a snails pace to get a glimpse of what's happened.
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It may be out of Spring Hill city limits and belong to the county.   County response time may not be fast at that time of night due to number of cars on patrol.  THP could have been tied up somewhere else.   I agree it is sick that so many people were looking to video something instead of taking care of a person.

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