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Favorite "Gun Movies"


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Ok, so Junglist's Red Dawn thread got me thinking...

What are your favorite "Gun Movies"? These can be war movies, cheesy shoot 'em ups, whatever. Let's hear 'em!

One I caught recently which I was impressed with was the appropriately titled "Shoot 'em Up". It's a little corny, but it's supposed to be. I highly recommend it.



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Can't forget Blackhawk Down. I enjoyed Jarhead too, even if there was a lack of combat and shooting.

It is hard to remember them all. My DVD shelf is full of shoot em up movies. If there is gun play in it, I probably like some aspect of it.

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Movies: Shooter, The Kingdom, Rio Bravo, Open Range, Tombstone, Quigley Down Under, Smoking Aces, True Grit ("Fill your hands you son of a bitch"), Die Hard 1-4, Hitman, Silverado...

TV: The Unit, The Rifleman, 24, Criminal Minds, Flashpoint...

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not a movie but Band of Brothers would be my favorite. It has all my favorite guns in it.

M1 Carbine, M1 Garand, Thompson sub machine gun and i am sure the 1911 made an appearance.

Generation Kill was pretty good but not anywhere in the league of BoB. Definitely worth watching though.

Edited by Mike.357
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Guest Revelator
not a movie but Band of Brothers would be my favorite

I watched the first two episodes of that last night. Going to watch them all over the next month or so. Saving Private Ryan, too. I always listen for the ping! when the Garand's clip flies out.

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not a movie but Band of Brothers would be my favorite. It has all my favorite guns in it.

M1 Carbine, M1 Garand, Thompson sub machine gun and i am sure the 1911 made an appearance.

Generation Kill was pretty good but not anywhere in the league of BoB. Definitely worth watching though.

To me, Band of Brothers is in its own category. It stands alone. I try to watch the whole series a couple of times a year, and if I am flipping channels and it is on History channel, I will watch it then too.

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Band of Brothers to me is what a rainy cold day off work is made for. I bet I watch it four times a year, not counting when I see it is on History Channel, LOL. It is pretty much the only DVD I will not lend out. I bet I have watched part two 50 times by now.

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not a movie but Band of Brothers would be my favorite. It has all my favorite guns in it.

M1 Carbine, M1 Garand, Thompson sub machine gun and i am sure the 1911 made an appearance.

Generation Kill was pretty good but not anywhere in the league of BoB. Definitely worth watching though.

Yeah, Band of Brothers is amazing. I've seen it a number of times and every time it's on History Channel and I see it, I watch it. I watched the first few episodes of Generation Kill, when Comcast made a mistake and gave me HBO for free, which they eventually cut off :) so I didn't get to see the whole series. I thought it was pretty good, but no where near as good as Band of Brothers. I would like to see the whole series at some point though.

A movie that I always get 'trapped' into watching if I see it's on is We Were Soldiers.

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Guest Rugerman
To me, Band of Brothers is in its own category. It stands alone. I try to watch the whole series a couple of times a year, and if I am flipping channels and it is on History channel, I will watch it then too.

Amen. To me, it is the finest piece of film ever assembled. I never tire of it.

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Band of Brothers to me is what a rainy cold day off work is made for. I bet I watch it four times a year, not counting when I see it is on History Channel, LOL. It is pretty much the only DVD I will not lend out. I bet I have watched part two 50 times by now.

I lent my BoB set out one time, to a coworker I had a lot of faith in. There was another coworker to whom I lent another DVD once... I forget what it was, but it took him like two weeks to remember to bring it back. Anyway, after I lent BoB out to Trustworthy Guy, Slacker Guy was all expecting me to lend it to him next, and acted shocked when I refused. 'Twas kind of funny.

Surprised nobody's mentioned Collateral in here yet. Another good Mann flick.

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I toss the remote when I'm surfing and find "Tombstone", "El Dorado", or "Quigley Down Under".

Here's a WARNING:

Don't waste your time buying or even renting the movie, "SHOOT'EM UP".

Starring Clive Owen.

It's so anti-gun it's pathetic.

Don't make the same mistake I did watching it.

What a waste of my time watching that piece of crap.

Edited by The Average Joe
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I toss the remote when I'm surfing and find "Tombstone", "El Dorado", or "Quigley Down Under".

Here's a WARNING:

Don't waste your time buying or even renting the movie, "SHOOT'EM UP".

Starring Clive Owen.

It's so anti-gun it's pathetic.

Don't make the same mistake I did watching it.

What a waste of my time watching that piece of crap.

Eh, I thought it was a cool action movie.

Unless you're really worried about a corny B-movie swaying your opinions, I'd say you're in the clear.

From a pro-gun site regarding their positive review of the movie (which was criticized):

First, the anti-gun senator in the film is a ******* baby-marrow harvester, slaughtering infants and their mothers to keep himself alive. Not a particularly sterling character and certainly not a "good guy." And second, the big gun manufacturer in the film is in cahoots with government bureaucrats to crush his opposition and competition.

If you're an action geek, see the movie. I doubt your libertarian sensibilities will be terribly rattled.

Edited by poak
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