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$300 NRA Life Membership (Deal Has Ended)


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This popped up Sunday night while BHO was on TV.   


NRA Life membership -  $300








UPDATE - - - Appears that the $300 Life was a FBHO special that is no longer active.  However, I still encourage everyone to consider joining the NRA now before the rates go up 1 Jan 2016. 

Edited by DMark
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There is currently a discount available on Lifetime Membership, but the price is $500 (instead of $1000). It's my understanding that the price is going up to $1500 in January. The phone number to claim the discount is 888-678-7894.
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My dues are paid up for several years in advance, but I'd buy a Life Membership, if it'd get them off my back about asking for more money. :D


I've been a Life Member for over 30 years.  The mail and begging for money never ends.  The money they've spent on postage and printing solicitations has got to be in the $100's by now.

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I've been a life member for about 3 years.  The solicitation doesn't bother me in the least. If I get snail mail or emails I either give 'em a few bucks if I can, or I toss/delete the request. Pretty much the same on the occasional phone call. I either give a little or tell them no-can-do right now. The conversation ends with no pressure at all. Now that I think about it. I haven't had a phone call in a very long time, but then, it's still not a big thing at all to me. I'd say without them and the donations that are made allowing them to fight the gun grabbers, we'd be talking about the "good 'ol days when we had guns" if anything at all. 

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MP5_Rizzo, on 07 Dec 2015 - 08:19 AM, said:

I've been a Life Member for over 30 years.  The mail and begging for money never ends.  The money they've spent on postage and printing solicitations has got to be in the $100's by now.


To stop getting mail from the NRA, just call membership service at 1-877-672-2000 or 703-672-1000. 


Simply ask them to remove you from the their mailing list and they will do so.  You will still get your magazine, but the money begging stuff will end.   

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My dues are paid up for several years in advance, but I'd buy a Life Membership, if it'd get them off my back about asking for more money. :D


They never stop.  I'm a Patron member and I still get dunned monthly at least.

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I honestly have no problem with the constant badgering for money.  Its not like they make something and sell it.  Its not like they have the ability to tax people.  Their only source of income is from "us" either as a member, donations, selling us trinkets, or we will them something when we die.  They obvious have a ROI with the junk mail, or they would stop.  Remember guys, this is the strongest ally we have.  If we mature older gun lovers cut off funding or scale back the funds, who is going to take up the slack, the millennials?  Give me a break. 


As for me, I will not upgrade past the Life status that I am.  However, I will continue to donate, but likely directly the NRA ILA funds as gifts

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I've been a life member for about 3 years.  The solicitation doesn't bother me in the least. If I get snail mail or emails I either give 'em a few bucks if I can, or I toss/delete the request. Pretty much the same on the occasional phone call. I either give a little or tell them no-can-do right now. The conversation ends with no pressure at all. Now that I think about it. I haven't had a phone call in a very long time, but then, it's still not a big thing at all to me. I'd say without them and the donations that are made allowing them to fight the gun grabbers, we'd be talking about the "good 'ol days when we had guns" if anything at all. 



I honestly have no problem with the constant badgering for money.  Its not like they make something and sell it.  Its not like they have the ability to tax people.  Their only source of income is from "us" either as a member, donations, selling us trinkets, or we will them something when we die.  They obvious have a ROI with the junk mail, or they would stop.  Remember guys, this is the strongest ally we have.  If we mature older gun lovers cut off funding or scale back the funds, who is going to take up the slack, the millennials?  Give me a break. 


As for me, I will not upgrade past the Life status that I am.  However, I will continue to donate, but likely directly the NRA ILA funds as gifts


You 2 make good points, now that I stop and think about it. I am a big fan of how they use the money. You've inspired me to send them a Christmas present, but technically I'm the one that gets the benefit of the gift. Thanks for the reminder.

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