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Everything posted by -boatman-

  1. Is this a fact? I'm not disputing you. Just wondering.
  2. I did it once in Madison Co. It was more regulations and paperwork than anything else. The zoning board checked with the neighbors to see if there were any objections and then they approved it. Some of the rules were no traffic onto the property because of the business, no signs, and nothing business related visible to the neighbors or anyone passing by. I stayed mostly within the rules and did not have any trouble. I did have good neighbors and they were not all that close. I was not in a subdivision. Good luck.
  3. I really like the idea but there is no way I could keep my pants up if I kept things loose enough to get the gun out. If someone here gets one I would like to know how it works out.
  4. While I'll admit this is very sad, unless this pre k is 24-7 they are still going to be exposed to this after they get home. Pre k is not the answer to this. Getting these children out of these homes for good is the only think that will fix this and pre k IMO is not the answer.
  5. :clap:If this does not tell the people in Washington something, nothing will.
  6. Well, today is the day. Let's hope he pulls it out.
  7. That is just wrong. The government might as well come out and say "this is the window company we want to be on top and we're going to make it happen".
  8. Stevens 16 ga double. I think it is a mod 530a. My dad bought it new in the fifties I think. He was a big rabbit hunter back then. I don't think this gun has a SN. He gave it to me around 1968. It is still a great shotgun. I still have it and will have it until I turn it over to one of my sons.
  9. If I remember correctly this was one of the guys who gave a long drawn out speech on the house floor last year against park carry.
  10. Are you saying you spend 10K and might not get anything?
  11. I'm glad it's just one flake. I'm headed from Jackson to Bell Buckle this evening. I have been wondering all morning what I would be dealing with.
  12. That is for sure. There is no telling what we may see this year.
  13. Don't take this the wrong way because I want Chris Dodd gone. I wish he would run for reelection. I think he would be beat but would a new liberal without Dodd's history? A liberal newcomer might win. Could this be the plan?
  14. I went to Dyresburg for mine and was in and out in a few minutes. It sure beat going to the one in Jackson.
  15. I love it. You know United was surprised and not expecting that video but it was too late by then.
  16. New Stephen King novel "Under the Dome". This seems to be the best he has come out with in some time. John Grisham book of short stories. Have not started this one yet. The King novel is 1072 pages and will keep me busy for a while. Clothes-really needed them Gift cards to Outpost Armory and and On Target.
  17. Someone named Heather made that comment. Someone named Heather was one of the people behind the face book guns in bars thing they had going on when the restaurant carry passed and was constantly posting to it. Probably the same person. They are still working on turning the public against it and probably hoping to keep it from passing again. They are not gonna' let up.
  18. There is a difference in not caring for their work and not caring for the person. Not caring for their work does not say anything negative about them as a person.
  19. Never heard of her. I figure it shows I don't watch much TV.
  20. I have seen a few boat ramps on the Loosahatchie while geocaching. The ones I saw were more out in the country. I have no idea where they were since it has been a few years.
  21. If we would think about things could be before we complain about things, we would do a lot less complaining. Great post!


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