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Everything posted by -boatman-

  1. I've been there and know how you feel. I still miss my golden retriever who was the best friend I ever had after almost two years. I can't say anything to make you feel better but it does get better with time even though right now I know you don't think so. It may always be sad when you think of him but someday thinking back you will be glad you had him for all those years and all the great memories from that time.
  2. This really worries me. I go into a lot of parks away from home while geocaching. If a park is not posted I assume they have not opted out unless I have read about it and REMEMBERED it. But that is hard to do also unless it is one of the bigger towns that has had a lot of media attention. How someone can be arrested and convicted when the law says it must be posted is beyond me. I would like to see what the sponsors of the bill would have to say about this.
  3. It did not unscrew. The brush came apart where it was put together. The twisted part of the brush where it inserted into the part that screws onto the rod. I guess I did not make it clear as to what happened.
  4. When I tried twisting my chamber brush like this it came apart. Do the brushes hold up doing this or did I just get a bad brush? It came apart where the twisted part inserted into the threaded piece. Since them I have been pushing the brush in and out. THis is not the first time I have heard they should be turned.
  5. If you live in the area and have good agent for homeowners insurance, let's hear it. Not being from the area or knowing any agencies reputations I thought I would get recommendations from TGO. I will be between those two towns but will be closer to Shelbyville. Oh yeah, list what company they represent. Thanks
  6. I'm not the smartest guy in the world but this is why I can't see this going anywhere.
  7. You would think someone would have tried to scare it away just to keep someones car from being torn up but it seems like they all enjoyed the show. If I came back to my car and saw that going on I would be some kind of mad. Would it be legal to shoot a bear to protect property?
  8. If you are misguided I am also because that is the way I see it. Yeah, jobs are important but if the money goes to Japan it is not going to do anybody any good over here. The more profitable our car companys are the more jobs we have and everybody wins.
  9. I open carry occasionally. It depends where I am going. I will stop for fuel and very occasionally go inside. I don't really like showing my gun but I like my shirt tail in when ever I can. To me the best thing about the cold months is wearing my shirt tail inside and a jacket or vest as a cover garment.
  10. Check out this place. Home - For Optics Accessories & More I have bought from them and been happy with the products and service. I do not have one of their magnifiers so I cant tell you anything about them but they do get good reviews on ar15.com
  11. 1969 for one season. Ford Torino Talledaga. He got out of that and went back tp Plymouth when they came out with the Superbird in '70.
  12. What does "gun-related medical data" mean?
  13. I'm relocating to mid TN next month so I'll wait until then and do it, if I can remember. What do the different colors mean?
  14. I'm sure everyone can figure mine out. It's my love of boating and being on the water.
  15. I don't know if AT&T carries it or not but the Motorola Adventure V750 is mil spec with the qualities you want and is close to the size of what you have now. I went from the Razr to the Adventure and have been happy with it.
  16. I think they have to post it. Otherwise how do you know if it is ok to carry or not with parks here opting out and others not. It will be a mess if it is not posted. As to where it is illegal or not I am curious also.
  17. +1 It did not hurt a thing to show him your permit and may have helped in the long run.
  18. -boatman-

    Brighton Arms

    That is what I thought when I heard they were closed. If they had stayed in the old location they would probably been fine but the new building sure was nice and had to be expensive.
  19. In most cases I was geocaching and/or hiking. I was not hunting at any time. I don't even have a hunting liscense. I did have a TWRA officer waiting for me one time when I returned from hunting a geocache on a WMA. He thought I was duck hunting on a day when that was not permitted. Without a shot gun I wonder if he thought I was throwing rocks at them. After I explained what I was doing there he was OK with it.
  20. What does this mean exactly? How does a person know if they are allowed to be on the WMA? I have been on several WMA's and could have been breaking the law by being there and did not know it. Are there some WMA's where people are not allowed?
  21. My son submitted his paperwork on July 16th and received his permit on Aug. 13th. That is the fastest of any I know of personally and he was excited to get it that quick since he was not expecting it any time soon. He never called to check on it either.
  22. That is my favorite also. It is a awesome looking knife!
  23. At this time I'm listening to the Steely Dan album Aja. Before that I was listening to Asleep at the Wheel.


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