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Everything posted by -boatman-

  1. I left all of those blank. I can't say how it affected it but it worked. I don't know how some of you got the really negative scores you did but I'm wondering, do I need to be afraid of you:)
  2. -6 Looks like I have some work to do to catch up with some of you.
  3. I'm so glad someone got to him in time. He is a trooper.
  4. Mustard! One of my sons puts catchup on his. I can hardly stand to look at it.
  5. I know a lot of you don't like this bill and I know it could be better. Whatever you think of it you have to give Todd credit. He put up with a lot to get this bill passed. If you have watched all the house sessions on this bill you know what I mean. Some of them tried every way they could to kill this bill way before today's vote but he hung tough. Even though it could be better maybe it was the best he could do and still get it passed and I think he deserves our thanks. Maybe it will work out ok for us.
  6. This attitude is what is wrong with schools now. When schools could discipline students you did not see all the things going on that we see today. No one wants their kid disciplined a school anymore and the kids know they can get away with anything. I agree that discipline is the parents job but in so many cases this does not happen. I got whipped at school many times and got it again when I got home. I deserved it every time and it made me a better person.
  7. The same thing has crossed my mind several times. I know it's possible nothing like this happened but something just does not feel right.
  8. Sorry for your loss. It sounds like he was quite a guy.
  9. I was wondering the same thing as I was reading that. AND how do they stay there?
  10. I just can't understand how a human being, if he can be called that, can do that to a child. I don't think I have ever heard of child abuse that bad. Really really sad.
  11. Slow drivers in the left lane. That gets my blood pressure up quicker than anything. else.
  12. That would be very cool in the back of a old truck filled with some of the old six ounce bottles of Coke but I bet it will be hard to find a lid for it. It would be hard to find the six ounce Cokes too. Do they even make them anymore.
  13. After reading comments from the public, last year and this year from people concerning handgun carry legislation, it seems like some people really think the people who are for these laws are hill billy/red neck, love to drink and shoot firearms, vigilante, missing several teeth, and uneducated. Now I'm not down on hill billy/red neck. Being a life long resident of Tennessee I guess I have a little in me but not the way I take it from reading those comments. People that I can think of that would think fits the discription of these commenters do not have a carry permit and I don't think would even bother with getting one. Where does this stereotype come from? These people must not know anyone who has a carry permit or they would see who we really are.
  14. I could tell several but I'll tell this one. It happened in the late seventies. I was going to work one morning running 55 on the dot. Met a trooper and looked in the mirror as we met. He was turning around in the road. I clutched, downshifted to third and put the pedal to the mat. I was about two miles from work and was comming up on several hills. Well, I outran him and when I got to work I pulled in between two buildings and around back. There was a seventy something year old guy worked there part time and he was standing in the side door when I went by him still moving at a pretty goo clip. His eyes were really big when I went by. I went in the building to the front window (this was a auto parts store, the real old fashioned kind) and watched the trooper go back and forth two times. He made the third trip by and when he came back he slowed down, pulled around back, and walked in the side employee door just like he owned place. He asked who is driving the SS around back. What could I say but "me". He says "I should arrest your a** right now and carry you to jail". Then he said "come with me". So we go around back and he pulls out a tape measure and tells me my bumper is one inch too high. I knew that but thought that would not be enough for anyone to notice. He gives me a ticket for that and only that. I don't know why that was all unless he did not want to go to court and say I outran him. I deserved more and never got one that I did not have coming. So I borrow some wheels from a friend, get the back down one inch, and go to court. My bumper gets measured and I'm good to go. It did not cost me a dime. There were a lot of cops back then who knew my car and knew me by name after writing me so many tickets. But I really tried to steer clear of that trooper. I felt like he might have it in for me. I might tell another one later. This is the most I have used a keyboard in a while and I'm worn out.
  15. They do that in Gibson TN all the time.
  16. I have to pick water and if water does not count I'll go with coffee.
  17. Same here. He needs to go! He is the only one I have never got a response from. I am not in his district anymore so I can't vote against him.
  18. Another vote for the M&P.
  19. I'll admit to that. I haven't even fired at one yet. I have been thinking about taking my hunting license back, tell them mine is defective and exchange it for another one. To the OP. How close to them were you when you went outside? I'm glad your dog is going to be OK. It sounds like you and the dog look out for each other.
  20. Don't count on it changing. Too much money to be taken in by the state for that to happen.


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