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Everything posted by -boatman-

  1. I am very happy with mine. Never had any problems with it at all.
  2. I know what you mean. While I will probably choose a place where I can carry, my wife will sooner or later want to go to a place where I cannot and I'll take her. You know, you gotta keep 'em happy and it won't be anything different than I have been doing anyway.
  3. Could they even do that with private property? That just does not seem right.
  4. I have seen them two times and there is no way to fully describe it to someone else. And pictures don't do them justice either. Not your pictures, any pictures. I am not in any way running down Jason's photography skills. Do not pass up a chance to see them. You'll be glad you did.
  5. That is the best idea I seen in a long time but you know, it's too simple and easy for it to happen. Government just does not work that way.
  6. This is the one that that I have been wanting for a long time and cannot see any reason for it not to be that way.
  7. I like the way you stated that children are already around firearms in these other places and have not been harmed. I think that was a good point.
  8. And now he is dead. Pitchman Billy Mays found dead in home
  9. I would have been a lot harder on the caller if I had been the host. I would have said something about if you father three kids you are responsible for feeding them even if you have to work 50 hours a week. And people really think they are entitled to this. I think we are doomed!
  10. When are you going to be on? I will try to listen in. I do listen to both those shows when I am around a radio.
  11. I have never had a problem with mine and they are a lot of fun. It has never failed to run, clean or dirty, and with any ammo.
  12. I don't think there is any need to be sorry. I don't know yet if it will cause me do different but it does make me see it a different way and I can make a more informed decision about this.
  13. "Brentwood Police Chief Ricky Watson said state lawmakers should have worded the bill differently so local governments wouldn't have to make the decision to opt out." He is correct. They should have included them all without the opt out but that probably would not have passed.
  14. Here I am in Jackson and cannot get it because I did not get a digital box and my digital tv has no antenna. Someone please let me know what happens at 6:00.
  15. If you want it tough there is the Motorola Adventure. It's mil spec and thin. It is close to the size of the razor which they do not have any more. The numbers on the key pad and the font on the screen is large which is good for old eyes if you have any use for that.
  16. I thought I was posting a pic but it did not work.
  17. I thought I was posting a pic but it did not work.
  18. Wow, it's been so long since I have seen any of those I was beginning to wonder if they still made them.
  19. Voted. Still 64 to 35 to overturn.
  20. I will be on the TN River in a quiet bay until just before dark and them I'll go to the bridge at Paris Landing State Park by boat and watch the fireworks.
  21. I have sent e-mails to Sen Finney and Rep Shaw. No response yet but I do not expect one from Shaw. I have never gotten a response from him and he has never voted our way that I know of. I will be doing all I can to keep him from getting reelected when that time comes.


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