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Everything posted by -boatman-

  1. I've never had any problem shooting them.
  2. Worried Man, you make a good point. I would not put anything past those people. I read that the guy who called Barney Frank a fag came out of nowhere and then disappeared. He was not with the tea party folks and they were thinking the same thing you said. It has also been reported that Barney Frank said to one of the tea party people, "F*** you".
  3. I was very surprised by Tanners no vote as well. I just knew that with him retiring and with nothing to lose his vote would be yes.
  4. I don't know. It came over Face Book this afternoon so I assume it is today..
  5. +1 It does exactly what it was designed to do. It is small and light so it does have considerable recoil but you can put it in a pocket. It's just a trade off. You give up one thing to get another. It is not a range gun but I bet that if it ever was used for what it is made for you would never notice the recoil.
  6. They have been saved by the White House. This video came over Face Book from Fox. Obama Administration Restores ACORN Funding Videos Posted by Fox News: Obama Administration Restores ACORN Funding [HQ] | Facebook
  7. I knew there would eventually be some fallout from his stunts but I don't think they can do this........can they?
  8. I do it from time to time. Besides there being a good reason to practice this, it is just plain fun.
  9. I thought for a while this had a god chance of being defeated but now I'm not so sure. What I can't get over is how they keep on trying anything and everything to pass this knowing the American people DO NOT want this. They are a persistent bunch.
  10. I really can't believe this but they posted the results on the opinion page. I have never looked at that paper before but they must be a better paper than the ones on mid and west TN. At the least it did not just disappear never to be seen again. TheDailyTimes.com: Maryville, Alcoa & Blount Opinions, Columns, Letters
  11. +1 I have never used my pocket knife as a weapon BUT I use it every day as a tool so that is what I consider it to be.
  12. I have Direc. Changed from Dish 2 or 3 years ago. At the time of the change the channel menu was much simpler with Dish. May not be that way now. Other than that I did not see much difference.
  13. I don't think even that would get some of them out of the left lane but if it would get some of them to move over it would be worth it.
  14. I hope Pain is not his real name. A name like that could hurt business.
  15. If this is done it will stop a lot of problems. I'm a believer in Sta-Bil also. The 10% gas makes this more important as it separates and adsorbs moisture.
  16. I'll be waiting on reading this as well. It sounds like you had a interesting conservation. He is a likable guy but like others said, the 2nd A was my problem with him. I hope what you have to say convinces me he has really changed.
  17. Maybe it was because did not complain or maybe I should say because you did not act a butt.
  18. I have shot quite a bit of it and have never had a problem with it.
  19. Great pic. If that bullet had not been between the post and the camera it might not have shown up. Perfect luck......I mean timing :-)
  20. A blemish would not bother me anyway. After I have worn one for a while I have created several of my own blemishes.
  21. I'm enjoying lots of great stories in this thread. Keep 'em coming.


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