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Johnny Rotten

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Johnny Rotten last won the day on March 13 2018

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  • Location
    Middle Tn
  • Gender
    Not Telling


  • Handgun Carry Permit
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  • Carry Weapon #1
    Left Hand
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  1. So, did John Wayne, VC was scared chitless..
  2. That's the reason I'm a production manger and my son is a aerospace engineer.
  3. Holy chit batman, simple math for us dummies'
  4. I think he lives in Chattanooga, he sells stuff on here, last thing I seen was a tripod for a 240b. He sold me my first can at HG. and his buddy has an H1
  5. This is how your greeted at Battle Feild Vegas
  6. Where do you plan on shooting? indoor/outdoor range a RO see's anything not CA compliant, I'm sure he'll do his civic duty and call the cops. Desert better chance, BLM hears you, your going to get choppers, quads, buggies and 4x4. You gave up your 2A in 1994, thank Feinstein and all her bitches. I lived 20mi north of San Diego for 34yrs (American's finest city...LOL), I left in 96, I was red then and redder now.


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