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About ArmyBrat61

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    Jefferson County
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  1. I guess Cheatles never prosper.........
  2. Never gonna happen....SS would have to get on that dangerous slopped roof......
  3. YOU NEVER CALL A SARGENT "SIR" !!! That is the quickest way to toothbrush a bathroom........
  4. Into more DEI training? Deflect Evade Imitate.....heads won't roll on this, it will be talked to death but I see no real results coming. I hope I'm wrong.
  5. Wonder how deep the injury goes???
  6. Daniel 2:21 God chooses the leaders of a nation. He chose and used Darius and Cyrus of Persia. Saul of Tarsus, all evil men at the time. God used an errant Prophet and his jack ass (who spoke) so I know that he can used a self important person like Trump. I do not fully trust Donald Trump but I know that he is in God's hands, for God's purpose as we go into the End Times. I look at all events through a lens of Biblical prophecy so I see things differently. The Messiah has come and the world stage is being set for His return. Israel is the key. Those that choose not to see it or believe it are free to do just that. God's plan is well above my pay grade, so I read the manual and watch. Trump is a piece of the puzzle, as was Stalin, Hitler, Washington, Tojo, Reagan and others. Watch and pray brothers....as we were commanded.
  7. You expecting it to be pulled by a Pinto???
  8. All that hard work.........up in smoke.......
  9. I remember the line "Who gives away this woman to be lawfully wedded? " I wanted to scream "Just her Momma!" I was too chocked up by that time to utter anything else. I gave her away but I'll never give her up. Such is the cycle of life.


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