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Everything posted by GlockSpock

  1. I may be willing to give Glock another try. Probably the 19, gen 3 or gen 4? I remember at one time gen 4's had a few issues, I would like to have a gen 4 I suppose unless they still aren't considered as reliable. Tell me everything anyone knows about G19's.
  2. So far this is going great. Anyone interested in PM'ing me, go for it, but the point of the PM is for your email!  :rofl:
  3. On paper they are non-profit. However, their leaders receive a salary (like practically all non-profit organizations). I am not discreditng the NRA, but simply asking people to think about a few things they might not have thought about. The question I am asking is this, "Does the NRA truly want to see all gun rights restored to their constitutional level?".  The NRA certainly isn't the only group that I am concerned about, just the largest. I joined the GOA at the first of the week, and am right now rejoining the NRA today as I just got a pocket full of change!   I just don't want people to put all their 2nd Amendment loving faith into the NRA.
  4. Well, if you have an Android or IOS device, or a Windows or Mac computer, there are apps/programs to install that allow you to read the Kindle books on them.   http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html?ie=UTF8&docId=1000493771   PM me if you want to be number 2.
  5. It is fine. PM me your email and I will gift it via Amazon. 
  6. If half the money spent in a panic this weekend went to anything, it would be a very large amount of money. However, consider the following for a second. Under which of the following scenarios do you believe the NRA would gain more money (profits).   Scenario 1: Total restoration of gun rights. NFA eliminated. Constitutional carry eliminated everywhere. SCOTUS backed all of this. Scenario 2: Moderate gun control with impending further restriction. Occasional "wins" and occasional "losses" (compromises).   All I am saying, a profit organization such as the NRA "loses" if gun rights are completely restored in every possible way. Just something to keep in mind.
  7. [via Amazon Kindle]   It is Christmas. I guess I want to be a little extra cheerful. Also, I loved the book and thought that it had a very powerful underlying message. It is also about zombies. So, I am going to purchase a digital copy of this book for 10 people that want one. So the first 10 people that post on here that they want one, and then PM me their Kindle account email (so I can gift it to them), I will purchase the book for them. Please note, Amazon Prime members can borrow the book for free, so I ask that you not place your claim here.   However, there are two requirements that I am going to ask of you but keep in mind they are not enforceable. First, I ask that after you read it you come on here to discuss the book. Secondly, I ask that if you enjoy the book and also feel it has an important undertone, I ask that you find someone else either on this thread of someone else you know, and purchase the book for them.    http://www.amazon.com/Alice-in-Deadland-ebook/dp/B006AQYAA4/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1356023816&sr=8-2&keywords=alice+in+deadland   1: JD_ Sent 2: RobertY Sent 3: gnmwilliams Sent 4: Steelharp Sent 5: Jimmydeuce Sent 6: cardcutter Sent 7: dralarms Sent 8: zybysco Sent 9: plank white Sent 10: ochretoe Sent
  8. Everyone with a digital reader read Alice in Deadland.
  9. I guess I am just sorta in a down mood right now after reading quite a bit after Googling "CZ-75 slide stop break". All mechanical things break, I understand that. But in the current climate of things (gun control, possible financial collapse of the country, etc), I guess I just want something durable without having it serviced ever.    I have tried a Glock 19 before, and I may have been biased but after it jamming once within just a few rounds I was prejudiced. I may buy one of those, and spend the $500 difference between a Glock and an HK on a holster for the G19, spare magazines, and then a few spare parts for my P-01.    I love the light carry weight of allow guns, but I don't like the shortened life of them. But the P-01 is supposed to go 15,000-30,000 (depending on how hot of ammo you shoot). I doubt I'll put 5000 in a good number of years.   I guess the CZ slide stop threads as well as all this emotional drama in regards to guns just has me in a low mood right now. Today we had a Christmas luncheon for work. I sat at a table with some higher ups of the company as well as a few "lower" people. When i sat down one of the higher ups was asking someone else why so and so didn't make it. It was because they would rather go to the gun store and buy some ammo/guns before anything serious prevents them from doing so. Then the talk went back and forth (anecdotally) about how you don't need "assault rifles" and cannot deer hunt with them. A lot of incorrect facts were spread back and forth. I mostly kept my mouth shut due to the higher ups being there and me being a relatively new employee (I don't think it is a good opportunity as the new guy to come across as extremely pro gun to your new employer shortly after a massacre). So I kept my mouth shut and just cringed at things. Wish we could have good news of some sort.
  10.   Warranties are useless in a scenario in which "you'd be throwing it in your waistband and owning it for the rest of your life, without support of any kind for the pistol?".
  11. I'm thinking Glock or HK. HK's cost almost twice that of a Glock though. Surely there is a hardcore Glock guy here and a hardcore HK guy here that can show me all sorts of statistics and torture tests, right?
  12. Well I am not so much talking about "reliability" but rather build quality. My P-01 probably has 600-800 rounds and has never failed me, not once. If I could afford to buy 50,000 rounds of ammo and then go fire round after round and note what failures occur when. I love my CZ, but for one it has an alloy frame and two it is possible that 75's have a slide stop weakness.   I suppose the main concern here is finding a pistol that will go a very high round count without requiring any replacement of parts.
  13. This thread is to ask suggestions for the most durable/longest lasting 9mm handguns. What I mean by this, is what 9mm handguns typically go the longest without parts replacement of any kind? I have a feeling I know the general consensus: Glock. Please let me explain. I love CZ-75's. However, I've been doing a lot of reading about then recently, and there is rumored to be a problem with the slide stops breaking relatively quickly (as in, it is a disposable part). Now, as long as you have access to a replacement of slide stops, I'd consider this relatively a non-issue. However, I am asking what handgun would you buy if you knew you could never buy another part for it at all? What handgun would you buy if you'd be throwing it in your waistband and owning it for the rest of your life, without support of any kind for the pistol?   I'd like this pistol to have readily available magazines, holsters, (night) sights, etc. In other words, I'd like it to be a combat proven  "standard" pistol.   As much as I love my P-01, I guess a lot of this AWB stuff has me doubting it a little bit. One reason would be is that I have not taken it completely apart myself (it is much more complex that many firearms). I have my eyes on a CZ-75b stainless matte at a local shop for about $710 out the door. But the slide stop issue as well as how uncommon the CZ-75 is compared to other pistols in the US have me wondering if the pistol is a good choice for "long term ownership".
  14. Is that the correct URL? Because for me it is pulling up the generic Yahoo "expired domain" page you typically see when a domain expires.
  15. Is it just me, or is their site more or less gone?   http://www.botachtactical.com/
  16. I have a feeling that most people in America are willing to give up as much liberty as possible to obtain simply a piece of paper that reads "SECURITY".
  17. http://www.politico.com/story/2012/12/barack-obama-to-announce-guns-task-force-85293.html    
  18. I have never done this before, but someone here in Chattanooga surely will help you out.
  19. If you are truly replacing the entire upper, usually you can just pop out the rear and front pins, take the new upper, and pop the pins back in. If you have what would be considered a stripped upper and are wanting to take all the "goodies" (barrel, forearm, etc) off the old upper and place them on your new stripped upper, then yes, you'll need a few minor tools.   Which is it?
  20. Unless they quickly sold out of all their inventory of .223 and Pmag's within the last 3 days (which is possible) and are now paying $850 for the ammo and $55 for the Pmags. Also, there is a very fine line between price gouging and economic equilibrium.   Don't get me wrong. [Mainly] due to them dropping firearms from their catalog but also because of the outrageous "cheaper than dirt" pricing, I will not be giving them any future business.
  21. I was actually looking at various CZ's on CTD this morning. I went to look at them again just 5 minutes ago, and it took me several glances before I realized that it wasn't me but the website. Look forward to the official claim, if there is one.
  22. I will certainly be bringing "extra" stuff with me that day. It isn't that I am afraid of the end of the world that day, but rather aware that there many be many that think it is the end of the world that day, and do something stupid.
  23. I don't disagree with what it says about notifying an adult if you see a gun. I have a story that I will attempt to keep as clear as possible. One time my brother and myself were at my Aunt's house. I was probably 12 or so at the time. My Aunt was watching me, my brother, and my 2nd cousin that day. My 2nd cousin was probably 6 at the time. Another one of the cousins was a reserve/volunteer police officer at the time, and often stayed with his mom (my aunt).  Well that day we we three (myself, brother, and 2nd cousin) were in their side room playing with some things. I noticed that there was a holstered gun on the desk. My 2nd cousin saw it and wanted to play with it. He thought it was a toy/unloaded because he had never really been around guns and his father never really taught him the basics of safety.    You'd better believe I told my aunt about it in a hurry! In my viewpoint, this is the sort of situation that this press release is talking about. Unfortunately, there are many students out there who are as alien to guns as aliens are to us! It could have been worded better, but then again I'm afraid that within a few decades "Tell an adult if you know someone has a gun" will turn into "Tell a police officer if you know someone who owns a gun". In its current form it doesn't bother me, it could save many students lives.    What I have a problem with are schools' "Zero Tolerance" policy for violence as stated above. We were told that if someone was beating on you, after (I believe) three hits you could defend yourself and you not be considered guilty. But that was a few years ago and I am sure it has changed for the worse.


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