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Everything posted by wjh2657

  1. Well, that is it. We now live in fear of 95 year old women in wheelchairs and three year old girls. Those that are supposed to protect us have become ouir tormentors. The terrorists have won.
  2. It is not premeditated if you never tell anybody about it! There are a lot of books and a lot of articles ou there about mindset. People make a lot of money teaching it at self defense schools. My experience with it has been strictly in combat. I saw Marines with months of training in killing and in working up a mindset freeze the first time they encountered the need to fire. All the training went out the window. I don't need Ayoob or Hawks or any of the Super Gurus to tell me at this point that Marine training just wasn't as good as their schools. Marine training has done pretty well for this country in war for over two centuries now. But the truth is that it will still be a personal call at the time and place. Your training can teach you how to shoot but the psychological and moral force required for shooting at another human being will be different for everybody. I am pretty sure I will fire, but I have killed before and gotten over that "stumbling block" of morality that might cause me to pause. I don't recommend anybody else go through the experience of killing "to gain an edge" (some of you already have) but it the only actual experience that will make you truly confident that you can "bust the cap." Those that have done it know that killing is not just a "motor function". No training can really prepare you for it , it will just be a judgement call and once made, changes you forever.
  3. I have a Davis Cobra in .38 Spcl and it functions perfect. It does have the trickiest trigger I haver felt on a gun though. It is possible to pull the trigger back and not actually actuate the trigger mechanism. You have to "stroke" the trigger. I don't carry anything that doesn't function simply and every time (I carry a J Frame) so it is just a curiosity in the gun safe.
  4. wjh2657

    S&W m642 airweight

    My everyday carry in a pocket holster. I own several larger revolvers and pistols, but the 642 is the one that leaves the house with me. I can't think of a better pocket carry gun.
  5. It is strictly a "dress" piece. It will probably end up in a display case or box. For everyday carry, my 642 is much more practical.
  6. 1. This is a violation of constitutional right to free speech. 2. Haslam is a Republican. 3. Rush (may blessings be upon his name) has assured me that no Republican will ever sign legislature depriving me of any of my Constitutional rights. Only Democrats do this. 4. Based on the above, this most assuredly a bald faced lie, probably started by the Obama Mulsim, Communist, Socialist Democratic Liberal press. 5. I don't care what else is printed, I refuse to believe this lie.
  7. I have the 1951 Military and Police (pre-Model 10) below. It was a retirement present for a retiring detective Lieutenant. I bought it,in the box, just recently. I put the Faux ivory grips on it (I still have the originals put aside!) It is factory nickeled, with "N" on frame underneath crane. I am a big Film Noir fan and this is the true snubbie of those 1950s films.
  8. My bad. One too many C's, should have been OC (Open Carry.)
  9. "Do as I say not as I do" is in action here. You flame another poster for giving opinions by blasting him with your opinions. Look up "hypocrisy" on your spell checker. I personally carry both ways. I have carried my G23 OWB /OCC in my immediate area, without incident as everybody local knows I am a retired USMC MGySgt and a former (not retired) LEO. They sort of expect me to be carrying a gun. It seems natural to them and I don't frighten anybody off. When I go out of town , I pocket carry a 642, to blend in more with my surroundings. Around the house I OCC the Glock or a 640 with my jeans or shorts. Both modes of carry work for me and I don't feel subconscious about either mode. I have never been approached about my weapon when OCCing.
  10. Yeah, you can point a cocked, safety off, 1911 at you butt all day and pull the trigger. The 1911 just knows that it isn't supposed to hurt you and it won't go off. Fact is, if you don't pull the trigger, no gun is going to hurt you. I own over a dozen revolvers and I EDC a revolver. The only SD semi-auto I own is a Glock 23. It has a NY#1 trigger and is just as safe as any other gun I might carry, as long as as I don't pull the trigger.
  11. <o:p></o> Bureau of Justice Statistics:<o:p></o> Summary findings Of the 272,111 persons released from prisons in 15 states in 1994, an estimated 67.5% were rearrested for a felony or serious misdemeanor within 3 years, 46.9% were reconvicted, and 25.4% resentenced to prison for a new crime. <o:p></o> These offenders had accumulated 4.1 million arrest charges before their most recent imprisonment and another 744,000 charges within 3 years of release. <o:p></o> Released prisoners with the highest re-arrest rates were robbers (70.2%), burglars (74.0%), larcenists (74.6%), motor vehicle thieves (78.8%), those in prison for possessing or selling stolen property (77.4%), and those in prison for possessing, using, or selling illegal weapons (70.2%). <o:p></o> The methodology, State breakdown and raw data can be found at:<o:p></o> http://bjs.ojp.usdoj.gov/index.cfm?ty=pbdetail&iid=1134<o:p></o> A full, .pdf copy of the report is available at:<o:p></o> http://bjs.ojp.usdoj.gov/content/pub/pdf/rpr94.pdf<o:p></o> <o:p> </o> I have noticed the reaction of many posters on whether or not the second amendment is to be taken literally, with no reservations or limitations whatsoever, seem to encounter friction from other second amendment supporters when it comes to the question whether convicted felons should be able to legally acquire and/or carry weapons (note the disclaimer: legally acquire.) <o:p></o> In light of above, do you believe that the Second Amendment pertains to all,released felons included or do you believe that there should be a restriction not allowing released felons to legally acquire and/or carry a firearm (note disclaimer again:legally carry.)? <o:p></o> <o:p> </o> The fact that Felons can and do carry guns illegally is not the point of dispute here. The question is simply do you believe that the restrictions for legal carry and possession currently incumbent of released felons be nullified or enforced?<o:p></o>
  12. I traded in aGeneration 2 G22 on a Generation 3 G23. I needed a smaller weapon for EDC. TheG22 had been a duty weapon and as I was no longer in an LEO position, I neededthe intermediate size for civilian carry. Point is that I put 1000s of rounds(lost count years ago)through the G22 and have put at least 2000 through the G23 with absolutely noproblems. Some designs in machineryreach their perfection of form . They just don't need"improvement". The 1911 and pre-lock S&W revolvers are goodexamples. The GLOCK didn't need "whistles and bells" or "SpaceAge Technology". In the Gen 2 and 3 Glock had attained it's form, any change hadto detract from that. I will undoubtedlypass on my Generation 3 G23 to one of my grandsons. I am sure as hell not goingto trade it in on any newer Glocks!
  13. I think we are on the same train, just different cars. Managers make or break their careers based on sales. If you live in an area where guns and ammo are not a priority item, sales are in the basement. Obviously guns and ammo are not worth stocking. If you live, like I do , in an area where every 10 year old (including my grandkids) and above has at least a .22 and a shotgun, guns and ammo are a key item. Thusly, you carry a big stock. This county (Macon) is also HCP "rich" so pistol ammo sells fast. If you don't get there right after the truck arrives, you lose! Managers have to be "earners" so their stock depends on their customers and that seems to be according to area.
  14. Our WALMART in Lafayette has always sold long guns and all ammo, including plenty of handgun ammo. I think it really depended on your geographical area more thn any WALMART strategy or policy.
  15. Gentleman's hand below. The only gun I own that my wife calls "pretty!" It is a little work of art. It is one of the grandkids favorite guns, the other being their Henry 1000Y (youth model) in .22 LR. (Ruger Bearcat Stainless Steel)
  16. I have one Glock, a G23 with a NY#1 trigger installed. As I normally carry a S&W revolver, the drill is the same, long hard trigger pull that can't be engaged accidentally. The beauty of a Glock is the simplicity of its mechanical action. This thing looks like something to fail when my life depends on the Glock firing. I'll stick with the NY1 trigger and trigger finger indexed on frame drill.
  17. Using a notepad program and having problem transferring words, sorry.
  18. I don't listen to News Commentators or Political Talk Show Hosts. They all have their own agenda,whether it be arch-liberal or arch-conservative, and that is what they pander.They misquote statements of others , twist facts, manipulate statistical data and pretty much out and out lie about their topics. I watch both conservative and liberal newscasts (there are only the two kinds) and try to sift out the real facts by myself. I download actual bills and laws and read the real thing. When a politician/leaders speaks, I listen to their words and form my own opinion, not accept a totally modified version from some talk show hack. I am an educated combat veteran who has raised a family and traveled all over the world. I don'tneed some draft dodging , five times married, freshman dropout loser"conservative" or little rich girl "liberal" telling me howI have to think. I am not insanely overjoyed that Beck is leaving, I never listened to him or any of his contemporaries anyways.
  19. I was an active Republican for three decades. I left the party when it became the "What is good for the Rich People is good for the country" party. All the Democrats offered was the "What is good for the Welfare People is good for the country"line. I have been an Independent ever since leaving the party. I consider myself a Free Market Conservative and vote split tickets. Both parties attract only fringe extreme elements and do nothing for the common man. Neither party has any clue as to what Democracy, Christianity or Family Values really represent. If this country ever falls, GOD forbid, it will be the two party system that destroys it. I am not a Republican nor a Democrat, I am a U.S. Citizen and believe I have the right to make up my own mind as to what is good for the country. I will vote according to my own beliefs.
  20. Before we get all carried away with "Government bashing" here I think we need to look back at our laws. To qualify for many (not all) of the Citizens' Rights in this country as an alien you must establish Permanent Residency via the l-551 card (green card). As a nation we extend more rights to our resident aliens than any other nation. In all of the other nations, what rights they have are only available to Resident Aliens.Under new laws here in TN you will have to be a U.S. Citizen or Resident Alien(green card) in order to issued a permanent driver's license. I received my HCP two years ago and I had to submit a birth certificate at that time. The language used by some posters seems to indicate they want the law to differ by ethnic group. (No to Mexicans, Muslims and Africans) (yes to Europeans.) I am White and Conservative btw, so ditch the black liberal argument. It has to be one law for all Resident Aliens. If we are going to deny one group the right, then deny to all groups of Resident Aliens. The current Tennessee procedures for HCP and Drivers Licenses are fully in accord with all guidelines. Personally, I feel that our Immigration laws are comprehensive and complete. We don't need new laws or "special sanctions" as the current laws are pretty well thought out. They just aren't enforced! Poster needs to decide whether or not he wants to file for Residency. If so, then he can apply for HCP.
  21. I carry clips, you bottom feeeder folks carry magazines! Actually the proper term for clips that do not remain in the weapon is "charger clips" and were very common in the Military Bolt Gun days. So these are actually .38 special charger clips. Proprietary (Brand) name is Speed Strips, but they are actually .38 Spcl clips manufactured by Bianchi. So when I say I carry extra clips in my pocket, I am using the correct term. Us wheel gun folks are still very much in the clip business.
  22. I didn't reference any qualifications for Citizen, and in fact I made the statement that we are all citizens. Just tired of everybody who watches the war on FOX News getting Veteran status.
  23. Exactly. They all had loved ones directly involved. Women worked extra hours at mens' jobs to build arms, they bought bonds, there was direct support , As I said ,in 1939-1945, this whole country was "at war." It isn't that today's Americans are weak, it is because the nature of war changed. War , at least for us, is no longer a national effort. We fight wars with professional troops and nothing is really required of us as civilians in the way of sacrifice. No ration books, No war bonds, No "meatless Wednesdays" or blackouts. We live our normal everyday lives even while men and women are dying on a battlefield. Is this wrong? No, it is how the way of war works now. You mentioned "defend your country." Defending your country isn't putting a ribbon on your bumper. It is facing an armed enemy and defeating them. From what I just said, we couldn't all do it if we wanted to, the service can only train and equip so many. But for those of us( Including myself, I retired from the Corps in 88') who are not in harm's way to claim credit for being involved in war just strikes a sour note with me. Take well deserved credit for supporting the troops but don't take credit for fighting the war. The troops are Patriots, we are good citizens and there is nothing wrong in that.
  24. Being "at war" is not a high school play or some kind of a civic activity. I am not out to knock those who support the troops. I do everything I can to help with keeping my nephews now (son has been back for awhile now) and their buddies supplied with mail and goodies. I am good friends with many men and women who have gone and are subject to go. I talk with them frequently. But I am not "at war" as denoted in OP. People who work in armaments don't do it to "save Democracy" (as it truly was in WW2) but to make a living. And there is no real nationwide armament effort for these wars. This nation , as a country, has not been at war since 1945. A nation at war is totally commitment, by everybody, to the war effort. England was at war in WWII, they had the blitz. The South Vietnamese were at war, they were bombed and killed by both sides. The people of Iraq were at war, everything went bad for them. Everybody suffered in this country, either in life style or loss of loved ones in WW2. Having been, as have many posters on this forum, on the battlefield, I wish people who have no contact or suffer no loss in war would quit saying they are "at war." War is not a "spectator sport." If you are not directly involved , facing death or the possible loss of a loved one, you are not in the game. Continue support of those who are in harm's way, as much as you can. Just don't go around claiming that we are actually participants. I say it again: The troops and their families are at war, the the rest of the country are leading normal lives.


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