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Everything posted by tercel89

  1. Don't use the word "jam" when trying to sell a gun ,,,, LOL , just kidding , I know what you meant !!!
  2. N No but I'm in Nashville and mufreesboro area today
  3. It is -6 outside my "mobile office". I have 2 pairs of pants and 2 shirts on along with my regular gear and the air still goes through them. A few minutes down and 11 hours to go.
  4. Wow that a smoking deal !!!!! I have one and I always say they are what the Glock 36 should have been.
  5. Price change for today SUNDAY only.
  6. Ok thanks all. I see the pros of it but the cons would be if it broke into pieces during the operation of the gun. I think I'll run some in my gun at the range and see how it goes and leave them out of my gun when I carry it for defense.
  7. Are these worth putting one in a gun or is it just a gimmick ? I understand their intended purpose but just wondering if any of you guys use them in your Beretta's or 1911's ? I believe that most guns should be kept factory stock and that if they needed an extra part then they would gave came with it. But just seeing if anyone here uses one of these a and experiences.
  8. This is a good deal. It's what the Glock 36 should have been. I'd get it if I didn't have one. Very thin , very reliable.
  9. Is this a JM branded Marlin or the newer owned company ? I am interested .
  10. Thank you to all you guys and thanks for the information. I'm going to start looking but not get in a rush.
  11. I had the chance to get an older Ruger Security Six a few years ago. Boy I was dumb by letting that chance go by.
  12. Some of the Sp101's that i have been seeing lately , new and used , have the barrels tilted left or right. As if they are not screwed on properly . A few that I saw were new ones at gun shops. looking at the crane or main part of the revolver , the barrel wasn't straight and lined up.
  13. I am wanting a 3 inch barrel and something in a .357 so I can shoot 38 when I want to. The old Security Six models sure seem nice. Ruger owners seems to talk about how they dont use screws to secure their revolvers and how S&W's use of screws is their weakness. Is there any truth to this ?
  14. I have my semi-autos , and now I want the "end all be all" revolver in 38/357mag ? I have searched for this a lot and for me it seems to be the Ruger SP101 and GP100 . Those revolvers seem to be very easily detailed stripped for any problem that may arise or parts replacement. I like Glock for the reason that they use very few parts. Any information is appreciated.


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