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Everything posted by itchytriggerfinger

  1. No problem.  I'm going to be out of town for the SCC and he's going to be watching my boys.  I'm planning to go to the Kettlefoot match at the end of June. 
  2. Thank you Toby! I was trying for a match bump, but the movers really screwed with me this weekend. Oh well, I'll give it a go again at Kettlefoot. It was great meeting you and your wife this weekend. Let's shoot again soon.
  3. I'm not sure I ever said it was OK for "any yahoo" to carry a gun. We all know there are many who should not.
  4. You're absolutely right DMark. While I welcome novices with open arms, I have seen too many that have no business walking around with a loaded gun.
  5. Proper condition for EDC or duty carry, but not perhaps the proper condition for a cold range during a match.
  6. Yeah, I think my pre-stage is what really threw me off about the whole thing. Juse like you, I have a specific routine I go through to set my mind. Of course those who shoot with me know it doesn't do much good :) LOL I will remember the opt-out next time because I just about walked out of the bay until a guy grabbed me.
  7. I experienced something a bit different this weekend at the Alabama State IDPA match. We get to one of the bays and the SO has all of us line up and "load and make ready" in order to "save time" on the line. Well, I don't know about you but I don't think I really liked that. While I feel competitive shooters are some of the safest gun handlers, I'm not sure it was the safest thing with everyone walking around, squatting, bending, and pasting targets. I mean, come on, it doesn't take that much time to load and make ready. Not to mention, I still stood there and took my time at the line for my personal "prep" time, so they didn't save time on me. Have you experienced this, and what are your thoughts?
  8. Good seeing you as well. Sorry I missed the Gallatin shoot. Liam had soccer at 8am.
  9. We went Friday and left at about 2p and went over to Pub 5 for lunch. I've been there several times and the food is great. Anyways, the 21 year old waitress was all bubbly and asked if we were in for the conference. I said yes and commented that everyone in the restaurant probably was. She said it had been busy and "all of your people have been really nice." LOL I just laughed. She was completely innocent and sincere, but it stuck me as really funny. What did she expect? Did she think it was a KKK rally?
  10. Call WKRN News 2 and get that crap on TV.  As much as I despise Andy Cordan, he'll be there to cover the story and be WAYYY to emphatic about it.
  11. Our company (Tennessee Steel Haulers) brought down the piece that is now the Murfreesboro Sheriff's Dept 9/11 Memorial.
  12. Scored this Friday at a local Walmart. Yes, that says 1,000 rounds.
  13. I added a new accessory to mine today. (the brace)
  14. Has anyone here tried the 5.11 shirt?  I like the design of that one better, but I'd like to see it in a tank-top... oh yeah, and half the price. :)
  15. Yeah, my concern was refreezing before we finish.  It's supposed to be back down to like 15 degrees by 7:30p.  Guess it doesn't matter now.  At least my wife will be happy.
  16. Not that weird of a request until you have to actually implement one.  They can be a royal PITA.
  17. I feel your pain David.  I'm in the same business. 
  18. It's actually the CSS setting doing it, not the content.
  19. Yeah, the content area has an 1190px min width.  So if you are running in portrait it's going to scroll.
  20. I like those better than the 5.11 shirt because of the low neck lines.  I typically wear a tucked polo shirt, so I don't like an under shirt showing through the collar.   I do like the "pocket" design better on the 5.11 shirt though.  I would see myself carrying a Sig 238 or 938 in that position, but it looks like it wouldn't secure well in the Undertech shirt.
  21. You can pack all kinds of goodies in an Intel Nuc.
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TitPCB_ryg


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